Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Of course, we had a great time for Halloween this year!  It was Parker's third and Audrey's first.  

This was her sweet Halloween daytime outfit.  It said, "I'm cute and itsy-bitsy!"  She definitely is.

Honey and my little Mickey.  This was his first official "trick-or-treat" of the year!

"It's the Mickey Mouse club-house....."

He kept looking down at his nose--it was so cute!

Best picture of the two of them--haha.  She was semi-catapulted forward and caught by Ryan right after this one.  

SO mad that this isn't in focus!  Parker and Audrey with their wonderful grandparents.

It was a rough picture taking session.  

As I mentioned recently, getting a decent family picture is almost impossible right now.  There's almost always one person that isn't looking at the camera...or who looks possessed...

...or who looks like they're holding their crotch **coughcoughRYANcoughcough**.  At least we tried!  

After all of the picture-taking festivities were over at Ryan's parents' house, we went to dinner at Tijuana Flats with my parents.  Since Parker was dressed up, his meal was free....which we love!  When we left the restaurant, we headed to Omi and Opa's house to surprise them with a trick-or-treat.  

Opa was surprised!  Unfortunately, Omi was asleep and didn't get to see them.  Good thing we took five billion pictures!

After we had a good feeding and diaper change for Audrey, we headed back to our neighborhood to actually go house-to-house.

Parker LOVED trick-or-treating.  He said, "Trick-or-Treat!"  at each house and said "Thank you!" to each person after they gave him the candy.  

After every house he said, "I want to do more trick-or-treating!"  We probably went to about 15 houses and then headed home. 

Checking out his stash.


....and out of all that he chose a lollipop!?!?  I thought about disowning him for not tearing right into a Reese cup but decided I'd keep him because he was probably saving them for me.  

Love this these that they already love each other so much. 

Minnie Mouse right before she went to bed!  I love that I was able to dress them in "matching" costumes this year because I doubt I'll be able to make it happen again any time soon.

We had such a fun time and now I am soooo excited for all the fun holidays to come!

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