Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Three Months!

Parker, you are three months old today! Here is what is going on with you lately:
  • You are still wearing size Two diapers. They go up to 18 pounds, and you're not quite there yet!
  • You are now wearing mostly Six Months clothes. You are such a LONG child! The Three Months clothes are all pretty much too small length-wise now. You are growing so fast...
  • At your last doctor's appointment last week, you weighed 14 pounds 4 ounces. You'll be into the next size diaper soon enough! :)
  • You LOVE to stick your hands in your mouth! Sometimes we will try to stick your paci in there, and you would rather have your whole fist in there instead. You usually suck on your knuckles instead of your thumb or fingers. It is so sweet!
  • You rolled over for the very first time today! You rolled from your back to your stomach on the couch. We were able to get it on video, which was lucky.
  • You coo and squeal when we talk to you. You usually do it right before you start to get upset, but sometimes you do it just for fun. You make the absolute sweetest sounds, and your bottom lip always curves down to the left. We love to hear you talk!
  • You love to go on walks with us. We can put you in the Baby Bjorn or your carseat, and you just look around at the trees and the sky and are mesmerized. It usually calms you down really well.
  • You have been going to daycare twice per week for the last couple of weeks, and starting yesterday, you are going four days per week because Mommy is back to work. Two days will be with your Honey, and the other two will be with Miss Donna. I have been getting good reports from both of them--they both always comment on how hungry you get!
  • We can now get you to take naps in your swing if we swaddle your arms. You will sleep for about two hours this way! Miss Donna taught us this and we LOVE her for it! :) This gives Mommy a chance to get things done around the house.
  • You still pretty much hate tummy time. You're getting a little better at it, but you would much rather lay on your back and kick around. We are working on it, though!
You are changing and growing every day, and we love you SO much! Thanks for being such a sweet little boy :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, today was my first Mother's Day, and it was wonderful! Ry and I woke up this morning and loved with Parker for a little bit while we got ready for church. Ry gave me my presents, which were a large set of pots an pans and a kit to make Parker's handprints with. The pots and pans are going back to the store because the ones we have are just not old enough to get rid of yet! He bought them because I really needed a new skillet. We just don't need the rest! It was the thought that counted, though :) I can't wait to do Parker's handprints!

I took Ry to church and then went to my parents' house to have breakfast. Omi also came this morning, so my dad was the chef for our Mother's Day morning celebration. After breakfast, Parker and I headed to church to meet our "other" family for continued Mother's Day love. We went to Olive Garden for lunch, and it was soooooo good! Parker was a very good boy at lunch and spent a lot of the time smiling and cooing.

We had a pretty relaxing afternoon. Bryan and Lacy stopped by for a bit to visit with us (or just Parker, haha). Ryan cleaned the bathrooms, and I made macaroni salad for our cookout at Omis. Parker actually sat in his bouncy seat for almost a whole 30 minutes while I washed dishes and cleaned up the den! He doesn't usually do this for that long (at our house at least :), so I was happy and hopeful that maybe it will continue this week.

Tomorrow I am taking Parker to "daycare" for the first time. It is with my best friend, Amy's, mother-in-law, Donna, who watches three other little ones, too. Although I fully trust her and know she will take great care of him, I am not looking forward to dropping him off. It's just different from taking him to my wonderful mother-in-law's house, since she is what we know and are used to. I know he will be fine, but it's just another first that I guess I have to get over. I'm still conflicted about what to do about work. I know I want to work for Onlineformals but am still so unsure about USIS. It's definitely a tough decision that I am having a really hard time making.

On the Mother's Day topic, I have to give a shout out to my Mom. Mom, you are the absolute best mother I could ever ask for. By being such a caring and giving mother, you have taught me how to be the best mom I can to my son (and future children). Throughout my whole life, you have supported me and been more than just a mom--you've been my friend! I can't wait to watch you for years to come as the amazing grandmother that you have become to Parker. Thank you again for everything you have done for me throughout my entire life. You are the BEST! :)

Now it is time for bed...I am soooo tired! Here are some pictures that Ryan took on my first Mother's Day with Parker. I love them!

I bet you all thought you had lost me for another month on the blogging. I sure fooled you!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy-ish Sunday

Today we woke up early (about 630) to get ready for church. Ryan has to be at the early service by about 815, so we ride together and I drop him off. Parker and I then go to my parents' house for breakfast and some socialization. It's our new Sunday tradition, and I love it! I'm pretty sure my parents do, too :)

Parker slept all the way through church for the first time today, and let me tell you, my arm was killing me at the end of the service! It was nice to attend the whole service again, though. After church, we went to lunch at Applebee's. When we first got there, Parker was not a happy camper. I changed his diaper and fed him in the bathroom stall standing up! That was a first..pretty interesting.

After lunch, we came home and pretty much spent the whole afternoon loving on Parker. We were thinking about taking a walk, but it was a little hot for that with the bambino. He had a lot of gas this afternoon, which made him a little "fussy." PS--I need to come up with a new word because that one is a little overused, I think. We were able to calm him down, though, by laying him on the floor to play. He finally ended up falling asleep right before we gave him his bath....
Daddy love

Don't you just love that leg??

We gave him a bath, which he loved, and then headed over to Omi and Opa's for our weekly dinner. It was wonderful, of course. Parker was a very happy baby and he entertained everyone all night! What did we ever do before we had him?

We're both very tired now, so it's time for bed. Nighty night!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gorgeous Weather!

It has been beautiful outside, and we have been able to enjoy this amazing weather together thanks to our AMAZING families!

Last night was date night! When Ry came home from work, we went to dinner at Carrabba's while my mom and sister watched Parker. We sat on the patio, and it was so nice to feel the breeze and have a relaxing dinner together. Nowadays I rush through most of my meals because Parker decides he wants to eat when I am ready to eat. We talked about Parker almost the whole time. After Carrabba's, we went to Home Depot to look at flowers and then came home to our sweet baby boy. He was fed and pretty much ready to go to sleep by the time we came back. He slept from about 930 until about 615 this morning. We are soooooo lucky!

It was so beautiful outside today! When Parker woke up, I fed him, and then we all cuddled in the bed for a while. Parker is soooooooooo so so sweet in the morning. He just smiles and coos and is so happy! Once we got up, we ate breakfast and went to the Home Depot again. We just can't get enough :) We bought a bunch of flowers for our front yard and a few other random items. This afternoon, Ryan's wonderful parents came over and watched (ahem, held :) Parker so that I could plant the plants. I loved being able to be outside and in the sun for a little bit! We finally finished our front flower beds and the bed around the mailbox. We have definitely made some progress in the last couple of weeks in the yard. It looks so good!

Tomorrow we have church and then I'm sure we'll have more house-things to do in the afternoon. Here are some picture of the P-man from the last couple of days.....enjoy!
Non-screaming tummy time
Holding on to Daddy's tie!
