Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Parker-isms

Parker has been saying TONS of cute stuff lately, but I thought I'd share just a few of the ones that I wrote down to remember.
  • I bought Parker some of the old school Mr. Sketch markers that have different smells for different colors.  I remember using them when I was little and loving them.  He literally played with them almost all day.  He colored with them, stacked them up, took the lids on and off, and laid them out in rows.  I couldn't believe all of the different ways he played with them.  While he was playing with them, out of nowhere, he said with a smirk on his face, "Yellow makes me happy, and green makes me sad."  Then he would say, "Pink makes me happy, and blue makes me sad."  It was so random and funny.
  • Every night lately, Ryan and I lay with Parker on the floor and get under a blanket to sing songs together before bed.  We were laying there last week and he noticed one of the many moles under my arm and said, "What is that, Momma?"  I told him it was a mole.  His response was, "Is that poop?"  He thought it was hilarious, I couldn't help but laugh, and Ryan made a joke of it.  Now he often says to me in a joking, funny way, "You've got poop on your arm!"  He thinks it's hilarious. 
  • When we went to the Children's Museum last week, we had to park in a parking garage.  When we pulled in, my thoughts went to the hospital parking garage at CHKD.  Parker almost immediately asked, "We're going to the hospital?"  It was so sweet and innocent.  He asks about going to the hospital almost every time he gets hurt or we talk about being sick. 
  • Drop-offs at school are still pretty rough.  A couple of weeks ago, I was asking him about how his day went and about specific kids in his class.  He told me, "The kids were all freaking out crying."  I asked him if he was crying, and he said, "not me!"  Yeah right, kid.  We all know that's not true!
  • Parker's favorite silly thing to say at this time in response to any question you ask is, "Doh-Doh."  As in.... What's your name? "Doh-Doh."  What's your favorite color? "Doh-Doh."  Who did you see at school today?  "Doh-Doh."  I try not to encourage it, but sometimes I just can't help but laugh.    

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