Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Computer Program

Be prepared for lots of different "actions" (Photoshop talk haha :) in this post. I'm trying out some new stuff with my pictures!

Eveningtime after dinner=Parker's playtime. Evidence:
Parker pushing his car. The fingers....
Parker sitting in the "seat" part of his walker.
Making his way to the other side....
Eating--wait, how did this get in here? Isn't this supposed to be about playtime? Oh well.
Hey, Parker....you've got something on your chin sweetie. :)
Now this is actually a daytime playtime picture. Every morning after we snuggle in the bed a little bit, Parker plays in his playpen for a little while while Momma gets ready.
Sometimes he does a little morning reading.
Do not adjust your screen--it is not the 1800's.

I guess this is what my boy would look like in pictures if it were the 1800's, though. Still just as cute.

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