Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree......

We have been busy putting up decorations yesterday and today.  We will also be busy doing this tomorrow and for the next 5,000 days it seems.  It is definitely way more difficult to do this with a busy almost-two-year-old literally running around.  There have been lots of boxes thrown around with and without ornaments in them.  He's my little helper--he is very good at taking things out of the box and stacking them up elsewhere.  And then picking those things up and throwing them across the room--haha!  It can get a little frustrating and is definitely taking longer than years past, but I am enjoying every minute because I know that there will be a time when I wish he was running around at my feet tearing everything up beside me.  I also know that next year he will probably be even crazier AND I will have a six month old to watch over as well!  Things will be so different then.

So back to what's going on now...we got a new fake tree this year, and we love it!  It is pre-lit with 1,000 lights and shines so bright.  I haven't taken any pictures yet because it's not quite done, but I will soon.  We put most of the ornaments on it today but because this tree is bigger than our last one, we definitely need to get a few more.  

Later in the day, we went out to get our real tree for the den.  Parker had a good time at the tree stand and wanted to run around like a crazy person, but we had to hold him back from going too crazy because they use rebar with spikes to hold the trees up.  We didn't want him to find an empty spike!  

A smile caught on camera--very rare!

Don't worry--Ryan was close behind.

Oh, hey!  You guys are still here?

Just checking out Daddy's NOT-bald spot.  

It's our tree!  This is the lucky one that we brought home.

Many more details about our holiday season to come!  It's my very favorite, favorite time of the year.  

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