Friday, March 15, 2013

Audrey is Nine Months Old!


The title of this post could have been, "Audrey has been Nine Months Old for Two Weeks!", or "Audrey--Nine Months--Better Late than Never!"  Haha.  I feel so lame, but at the end of the day, I often lack the motivation to edit the pictures and write the post.  Or I am cleaning up after you and your brother go to bed until it's almost my own bedtime.  Either way, here is your nine month post in all of it's late glory.  You are SUCH a sweetheart!

You would NOT SIT STILL!  haha.  When we took these pictures, your Daddy was off to the side and would not back up.  I had to cut him out of almost every picture because he was so afraid you were going to fall out of the chair. 
  • At the doctor this past Monday, you weighed 18 pounds 4 ounces.  I think you were a little over 28 inches tall, but I'm not 100 percent sure.  You are definitely "tall and skinny."
  • You are still wearing mostly nine months size clothes for tops and six or nine months for bottoms.  Your size is hard because, again, you are tall and skinny.  The sizes that you could use length-wise are not that great for your skinny belly.  I have purchased mostly 12 and 18 months clothes for the spring and summer--hope that you will get to wear them all!  
  • You are still wearing a size 3 diaper.  I think that you will for a while.  I would say that we do your cloth diapers about 75 percent of the time.
  • You have two teeth that are actually through the skin.  You have one tooth on the bottom and now one on the top.  I keep calling you "Snaggletooth" because those two teeth just crack me up.  I'm wondering when you will get the other two "matches" to those teeth.  You just get cuter and cuter each day!
  • You smile and laugh at us all the time.  You really enjoy watching us (particularly your brother) being goofy and playing games with you.  
  • Your hair is getting longer and longer and your mohawk seems to be starting to lay down a little.  This is so sad to me!  You have had that thing since you were born and it's a sign of getting to be a big girl.  Noooooooooo!  Haha.
  • You now do a very sweet wave.  You'll wave and kind of say "haaaaaaaah."  It's your version of saying, "Hi!".  So sweet.  I am working on "peek-a-boo" and of course "momma" and "daddy" and "brother."  No such luck on those so far! 
  • Your eating habits are about the same.  You seem to be eating a little bit more quantity-wise, but nothing majorly new.  You have been eating carrots and green beans that I'll break up into small pieces for you, and you seem to like them!  I am just going to gradually continue to give you little non-choking-hazard pieces of what we're eating and see how you do with them. 

It seems like there aren't major things to update, but I will say that you really are getting sweeter and sweeter by the day!   And will NOT sit still!

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