Saturday, May 26, 2012

First Beach Trip of 2012

This morning, my Mom and I took Parker to the beach!  The weather was gorgeous, and I knew Ryan would be busy all day doing the shed with Bryan.  I decided that a little morning outing at the beach would be good to get out of the house!  I forgot how much Parker absolutely loves the beach.  Proof:

Getting the hang of sandcastle construction.  Also learning that we do NOT throw sand!

This was the beginning of the rekindling of his romance with the water.

A little helping hand from Mona.

The water was a little cold at first.  He was saying lots of different stuff about it, like: 
"The water got me!"
"The water got my body!"
"It's cold!"
"It feels good, Mama!"
"I like it!"
"I love the water!"

Don't remember what this face was all about, but he makes this one a lot.

The tongue of concentration.  There was so much water in the bucket with the sand--he could not get it out.

Love these hands.

My mom and I were discussing various umbrella/shade options for when baby comes.  I think the beach will be a great place to go (with a partner, of course) with Parker once she gets here.  As long as we have an umbrella or sun-tent-type thing, we'll be good.  It's relaxing and he really, really loves it.  I can't wait for many more trips! 

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