Sooooo sleepy--but I must blog!
This weekend was pretty busy. Friday was my day off, and I didn't get too much done. I spent the morning with my lovely friend Jamane and her sweet baby Jamisyn. I brought my camera to get a couple of good pictures....but left the memory card at home. Not cool. We then had lunch with my practically-but-not-technically-sister-in-law, Lacy. We all had a lovely time socializing and holding babies. We ate at Z-pizza who has awesome Napoli pizza and SUPER awesome Arugula salad. I could have taken a picture of it--if I had a working camera at the time.
Fridays are usually my day to have Auntie Nay come over and spend time with Paco and help me grocery shop. Since I was visiting the other ladies in the AM, Renee just came over in the afternoon for a short while to visit with Parker while I cleaned up a bit. I love love love how much she loves Parker and he loves her. She's almost like my fun nanny on Fridays and it's awesome. THANK YOU AUNTIE NAY! :)

Not a happy boy--but Nay helped him get happy again by moving his walker to go the other direction.

Yayyyyyyy! Auntie Nay saves the day! Parker can RUN with his walker again!
I made a strange-tasting dinner on Friday night (egg rolls from Trader Joes--will not buy them again). Afterwards, while I was slaving over the sink, I gave Parker a pan and some cooking utensils to play with. Ryan documented:

"Thanks, Mom"

OH, and a salad spinner, too. Because they are fun.
Most of Saturday was spent doing normal Saturday stuff. Cleaning, house-projects, grocery shopping (since it didn't get done Friday), and going out to dinner. I also made cookies....

..and felt the need to take a picture of the dough right before I mixed in the choco-chips, mini-Reese cups, and chopped pecans. There are also 2.5 cups of oats underneath all this yumminess as well as the actual cookie dough. It's something that everyone needs to see.
Today we had breakfast at Omi's. I didn't bring my camera and wish I had because it was SO much food. She is having surgery on Thursday, so we won't be having dinner at her house for a while. Since tonight is the Super Bowl, we talked her into making breakfast instead of dinner! We had crepes and breakfast casserole. It was soo super yummy.
After breakfast, we attended church and then ate lunch at Pops Diner with the J's. The meal itself was so-so but the company was great! Other household related things were done this afternoon, and then we headed to a family friends' house for a Super Bowl party.

Parker insisted on bringing his new football...

...and wearing his TOUCHDOWN shirt! (and notice that I'm wearing my Steelers colors ((the earrings are yellow))
Hopefully this blog was written in actual chronological order with sentences. I'm too sleepy to tell. Exhausted I tell you.
Okay I'm off to root, root, root for the home team......GO Steelers!
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