For about two weeks now, Parker's been "answering the phone." He'll pick up my phone, play phones, or really anything that's close to phone size and answer it with, "heddo?" It's funny because he actually says it with more of an exclamation than a question. Maybe we are on the phone too much? He also greets us with a "heddo" at random other times throughout the day, too.

You can't quite see it but he's got my phone in his hand.

I guess we text a lot, too? Not sure if he's texting his BFF, Wyatt, or his girlfriend, Kaley. I'll have to search through his phone records to see.

"You've got mail!"--a knuckle sandwich! Notice the phone still in the other hand.

He's probably checking Facebook in this one. Seeing what his buddies are doing--who's walking, who's crawling, what they're eating, what they're wearing and how many times they've gone to the bathroom that day.
Unfortunately, that would be something I'd be into. I am so cool.
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