On February 12, Parker had his first haircut. Here are the details:
1. His hair was a getting a little scraggly looking in the neck and ear areas. Just a little.

2. Ryan's dad was the barber. He has cut Ryan's hair for his entire life--literally, no one else has ever cut Ryan's hair. Naturally, good ol' granddad was the man for the job!

The blue toothpick is a very important part of the grooming process.
3. Parker was only slightly skeptical.

4. It took all three of them (Ryan and his parents) to hold his head still. I didn't want any major hair-related mistakes right before his first birthday!

5. The end result looked super good and cute.

Not too much of a difference, but it definitely looks better.
Apparently cutting hair is supposed to make it grow back thicker? We'll see if that's true!
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