Long title. I know.
It's all true, though! And so witty--right?
First of all, it's Parker's First Birthday Eve. Tomorrow he will be one. O.M.G. Not only OMG because my first child is turning one year old and it's all sweet and emotional, but also OMG because I have so.much.to.do. Things like cleaning and cooking and shopping and taking the dog to the groomers and taking the child to the doctor and eyebrow waxing appointments....
**deep breath......**
Back to the blog.
Every morning I bring Parker downstairs and put him in his Joovy while I get his food and diaper bag ready in the kitchen. When I came into the room to pick him up and put his coat on, this is what I found:

I'm pretty sure this is not the way the "learn & groove" table was meant to be used.
Tonight, while I washed dishes, Ryan and Parker played in the den for a little bit. When I finally got to join them, they were playing with Parker's wooden blocks. Parker would NOT let us stack up the blocks. He enjoyed knocking them over! This is how it went:

"Hey, Dad....watcha doin?"

"Here, let me help you with that!"

"Oops! Did I do that?" (don't mind Ryan's "crazy face")

"Dad, you're really making a mess with these blocks--you should do something about that. Bye!"
I love the blocks, but let me just say--they could be used as weapons! When he throws them around, we have to duck our heads out of the way because we don't want to lose an eye.
I was finally able to snap just a couple of pictures of the boy walking! Parker has been doing much more "toddling" lately. He'll walk back and forth from the loveseat to the sofa. It's so hard to classify his mode of transportation right now because yes, he's walking, but he's not walking everywhere. Walking is not his primary way of getting around right now, but he's definitely able to walk further and further each day.

Within the last couple of weeks, he's been picking up his socks (any that he can find) and carrying them around while he's playing. It's almost like he's carrying them like they're a security blanket or something. It's kind of funny because if you try to take them away, he gets super upset!

Yep, he's all grown up now....*tear**sniff, sniff*. Just kidding--I'm fine. I am not as emotional as I thought I would be. It's exciting!
Okay now I have to go make lists for things that have to get done in the next couple of days. I need to be able to check everything off as I go to make sure I'm getting things done. We've got ourselves a birthday to celebrate!
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