Monday, August 26, 2013

My Comeback

Hopefully it's a real one.  It makes me so sad that I haven't blogged since the beginning of July.  We've actually had lots going on but when I sit down at night, I haven't had the motivation to edit pictures and write out posts.  There's no other explanation--basically just laziness!  To get things started again, here's a summary of what's been going on since Independence Day:

We've had some bagels with "cheese cream"...

...worn our hair in pony tails...


...eaten Skinny Dip and played at the park...

...and made friends with "go-go bounce" animals!

We've also taken lots of naps (when I say we I mean the kids--haha)...

...gone to church...

...done lots of coloring...

used Cookie Monster ice packs for booboos...

...and played lots of peekaboo!

We've had a really fun but busy summer.  I cannot believe it's almost over--Parker starts his new school schedule next week, and I am picking up another workday.  I have a few other things on my camera that I am excited to share, so here's to a renewal of my blogging spirit!

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