Thursday, March 25, 2010

One Month Old!

Parker, you are one month old! Here is what you are up to lately....

  • You are still wearing size Newborn diapers. I think we are going to move up to the size One diapers, though, because we are pretty much out of Newborn but have TONS of size One!
  • You weight 10 pounds, 10 ounces as of today. This is a 13 ounce difference from only one week ago! You are not fat at all, though, and the doctor said you will probably just be tall and skinny like your daddy.
  • You are spitting up ALL the time. The doctor seems to think that this, coupled with the fact that you gained almost a whole pound in a week, means that you are eating too much! Even though the breastfeeding is VERY demanding, Momma loves to feed you and knows that one day the cuddle time we get from feedings will vanish, so I will feed you as much as you want for now! :)
  • We have been giving you a bottle with about two to three ounces of pumped breastmilk each evening because you scream your HEAD off after about an hour of trying to eat from me. The doctor said you are probably just getting into the eating "zone" and may need to be distracted after these hour-long feeding sessions. Again with the eating too much!
  • You are still wearing Newborn size clothes. We bought SO many Three months sizes that are too big for you! The Newborn stuff is starting to get a little tight length-wise, but the Three months clothes are too big because you are so skinny. It's making it hard to shop for cute stuff for you right now!
  • You are just starting to smile a little when you are awake. You smile alllll the time in your sleep but not very much yet when you're awake. Mommy tries to make silly faces and entertain you to get a must be smiling on the inside.
  • You are sleeping pretty well through the night. You still sleep in our room in your cradle. I don't know when we will put you in your room. This past weekend you slept nine hours one night and about eight hours the night before that! Even if you don't sleep all night, you usually only wake up one time to eat in the middle of the night and then again at about five or six. Mommy is still getting used to this....
  • You are starting to enjoy your bath! You were not a fan of the sponge baths or your first couple tub baths, but now you just look all around while Daddy washes you off. Daddy gives you all of your baths--that is his "thing" to do with you.
  • You have some pretty bad dry skin and some "moderate" baby acne. We love you anyway! :)
  • You are soooo strong. When we have tummy time, you lift your head up and move it from side to side and kick your legs and arms everywhere! You have been doing really well with this since you were just a few days old.

We both love you so much and are so glad to have you in our lives! You are the best thing that's ever happened to us and we can't wait for all of the milestones in your life that are to come. Happy One Month Birthday!

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