Thursday, September 6, 2012

Parker's First Day of Preschool!

...AKA Parker's first day of school EVER.  How crazy is that??  

We went to Sunnybrook on Tuesday so he could meet his teacher and get acquainted with his classroom, and he did really well.  We tried to back off and let him do his own thing, and for the most part, he did.  His classroom has EVERYTHING--cars, blocks, chalkboards, crayons, counting bears, markers, magnets, name it--they have it.  He hit almost every "station" in the 45 minutes we were there, so I'd say it was a success!

Today was the actual first full day of school.  Unfortunately, Ryan was out of town for work, so he couldn't be there to participate.  Parker "slept in" and got up at about 7:15.  I was in super-rush mode of course, and the first thing he said to me, which he has never asked before, was, "I want to snuggle with you in your room, Momma."  I could have melted right then and there into the carpet.  Here I was, all crazy and sweaty and nervous and anxious, and he just wanted to snuggle with me.  It was just what I needed at that time.  

We snuggled for just a few minutes, and then I got him dressed.  While I was getting him dressed, he said, "I don't want to go to Sunnybrook!"  I kind of ignored it because he is always very back and forth in what he says.  Audrey woke up almost right after that, so I fed her and got her dressed, too.  She was going to Honey's house today because I was taking my mom to her colonoscopy.  I had prepped almost all of their "stuff"the night before, so once we were all dressed, it was pretty much time to go.  I just had to make his waffle and blueberries to eat in the car on the way and grab a couple of last minute things.

Before we left the house, I had to take the obligatory "first day" pictures.  I was SO excited to do this, and I made a framed chalkboard to use for this morning and many more to come.  

Seriously--how sweet??  Also, check out the bruises on the legs.  It's super weird, but we think they are  mainly from when he comes out of his bed on his stomach like a crazy person during naptime and they hit the edge of the bed rail.

...and this is when I pretty much knew picture taking was done!  Haha.  Our neighbor walked over at this point, and I was able to get a couple more "regular" pictures thanks to her.

We left the house right after this and headed straight to the school.  When we were almost there, I said, "Where is your school?"  He answered back and said, "I'll show you, Momma."  He knows exactly where it is because we pass by it every time we go to Honey's house or church.  "When we got there, I had to take a picture in front of the school with his apple nametag on!

We walked to his classroom, and there were no children there!  His teacher was actually putting on lipstick when we walked up--haha. She teacher explained that before 8:30, he actually goes to a different classroom, so she showed us where to go.  He walked right in and there were LOTS of kids in there.  He seemed pretty excited, so I just gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and left.  I was so nervous all morning, but I didn't shed one tear.  I was truly excited for him!  

When I picked him up this afternoon, he was in a different classroom again.  His "afternoon teacher" said he did really well today but had a hard time with naptime.  She said he wasn't bad but that he did not go to sleep.  He laid down and held puppy, and she sat with him and a couple of other kids.  He is really weird about naps, but I think he may get used to it and sleep there eventually.

My BIGGEST concern of the whole day was what would happen at lunch time.  Since he really only eats PBJ's, grilled cheese, and chicken nuggets, I wasn't sure about what to do with his lunch.  The school serves a varied menu, and today's items included sloppy joes, tater tots, green beans, and pineapple.  The only thing I thought he might eat would be the tater tots, but I didn't want to bring any extra food for him because I don't want him to get into the habit of having a lunch brought from home.  I felt like he would try new foods when he saw most of the other kids eating them and didn't want to be a picky eater enabler.  haha!  

When I asked him what he ate for lunch, he said beans, hamburger, and tater tots--all in line with the menu.  I asked him if he ate them, and he said that he did.  Then about five minutes later, he told me that he didn't.  About an hour after that, he told me that it was all in his belly.  We'll see.  The afternoon teacher wasn't with him at lunch, so she couldn't tell me.  If he starts eating different kinds of food, I will be SO happy!  I am looking forward to seeing how next week goes.  

He seemed like he had a good time and said he wants to go back again.  He has show and tell next week--seriously, how cute is that??  I am really looking forward to seeing his progress this year and having him tell me about each day!

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