Here's what's going on with you:
- You are wearing size One diapers. We have also started doing cloth diapers most of the time and I love them! You don't really care either way at this point. You are set on a 2 in the waist and a 4 in the legs of the FuzziBunz on the tightest snaps.
- You are still wearing size three months in all of your clothes. It seems like they fit you pretty good and will last until the weather gets cool and you can start wearing your six month clothes.
- You smile at us all the time now! It is so precious to see your face just light up.
- You have definitely "found your hands" and love having them in your mouth often. You chew on your knuckles. You also drool and blow raspberries A LOT--if you were older, I would think you were teething. I've felt around in there and haven't felt anything.....yet.
- I took a work trip to Atlanta this month and left you at home with Daddy and Parker. You guys spent most of the time at Honey's house, but that's okay :) I pumped tons of milk before leaving and you did great drinking from the bottle consistently for the first time.
- You started rolling over this month! You roll from your back to your stomach and then get kind of "stuck." This happens sometimes at night while you're swaddled and you get really, really mad because you can't flip back over yet. This has resulted in more wake ups an night! Not cool, my dear.
- You are starting to "talk" to us more and more. You coo and make high pitched squealing noises and blow your raspberries. These are the sweetest noises!
This entire outfit was made for you by Linda Walters, a woman that we have known and gone to church with for a long time. It is absolutely beautiful--I love it! I would never think to put a bonnet on you or even buy one, but I have to say that you looked pretty darn cute wearing it today.
- You love to watch TV. I definitely don't do this often, but in the mornings when I'm getting ready, I can let Parker lay in our bed and lay you on the floor. You are pretty mesmerized by Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street--just like your brother!
- I know that they can still change, but your eyes are pretty much blue and gorgeous! They seem to just shine, and we love them. It's interesting to see them change from grey-blue to true blue.
You are just gorgeous!

Comparison shot. You are getting so big.
Comparison shot with your brother at the same age. My little sweeties.
I am SUPER sad because I will no longer have you with me all day every day starting this week. You will go to Ms. Donna's house for the first time on Tuesday and then go to Honey's house on Thursday for a while. Next week I will start back to work three days per week, so I will definitely be missing you bad. I am fortunate to have Mondays and Fridays off, though, so I will look forward to my time with you (and your brother) on those days even more!
You get more and more beautiful each day, and we can't wait to see what the next month holds.
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