You are now a whole FOUR months old! In one way, I can barely believe it. On the other hand, it seems like you've been a part of our family forever. You are so sweet. Everyone knows I love love loooove your brother, but I absolutely love you just as much! I was so worried about how I could possibly love another baby as much as I did your brother, but you have definitely proved it's possible! It's so different having a girl, and so fun! I am trying to learn a new level of self-control because there are SO many sweet, precious girl clothes out there. It's hard to hold back! Anyway, here is what's happening with you this month, my dear.
- You are still able to wear a size one diaper in disposables. They fit fine. We sometimes put a size two on you for extra absorbency, though!
- You are still wearing mostly size three months in your clothes. I put a six months size on you last week on a cool day, and it was only a little loose. The three months stuff is starting to get a little tight length-wise, but we don't have any warm-weather clothes in six months size, so you'll just have to deal with it! Haha.
- You still wake up two to three times each night. Luckily, it's usually a quick nursing session and then you fall back asleep and stay that way for a couple of hours. I feel like my body is finally starting to adjust to this schedule. I mean, it's still kind of hard to get up in the morning, but I don't feel DEAD tired like I did a month or so ago.
- You have been going to bed around 7 or 7:15 each night. You just hit this point where you seem SO tired that you almost literally cannot take another minute of being awake for the day. We try to get you in bed before you hit that point because you do some pretty crazy screaming if it gets too late.
- I still swaddle you each night for bedtime and plan to continue for at least a little while. We tried to have you sleep unsaddled a couple of weeks ago and it was disastrous. We'll hold off on that idea for a while.
- You smile and "talk" to us all the time. It's the sweetest sound. It almost sounds like you're saying "hi" to us. If you're anything like your Momma, you won't be able to stop talking once you actually start! We can also get you to do a subtle little belly laugh, too.
- You are starting to really get moving. If we lay you down on the floor on your back, you almost instantly roll over to your stomach and start trying to use your legs. Basically, you are prepping for crawling, and I am NOT ready for that. Slow down, child. You will also roll back over onto your back and then back to the stomach again.
- You are in LOVE with sucking on your hands. You also like to take your baby doll and put her foot or her rings in your mouth. I got you a mini-Sophie like your brother had, but she's a little harder than regular Sophie. I am thinking of ordering regular Sophie to see if she helps you a little. I am wondering when your first tooth/teeth will pop out because you drool constantly and are chewing/sucking on anything you can grab and fit into your mouth!
- You don't take very long naps throughout the day. You often fall asleep in the carseat for a little bit if we're running mornign errands. If I put you to sleep in the swing or your crib, you usually only sleep for 30-45 minutes tops at a time. I am hoping that as time goes on, you'll learn that naps are the best thing EVER and sleep a little longer each time.
- You love to watch your brother do whatever crazy thing he's doing. Dancing, coloring, eating, watching TV...he fascinates you, and I love it. I am sure that you will learn lots from him this way. He loves to grab your arms or hands and move them around while singing or talking to you. When you roll over onto your stomach, he often tells you to roll back over onto your back and does it for you. He is usually pretty gentle but can sometimes get just a little rough. You take it pretty well, though, and I think this will make you tough! I also think you two will be pretty good friends.
Obviously, we love and adore you so much. We are so excited for all of the fun fall and winter holidays and activities with both you and your brother. You both have made our lives more fun than we could ever have imagined!
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