Sunday, September 30, 2012

Audrey is Four Months Old!


You are now a whole FOUR months old!  In one way, I can barely believe it.  On the other hand, it seems like you've been a part of our family forever.  You are so sweet.  Everyone knows I love love loooove your brother, but I absolutely love you just as much!  I was so worried about how I could possibly love another baby as much as I did your brother, but you have definitely proved it's possible!  It's so different having a girl, and so fun!  I am trying to learn a new level of self-control because there are SO many sweet, precious girl clothes out there.  It's hard to hold back!  Anyway, here is what's happening with you this month, my dear.

  • You are still able to wear a size one diaper in disposables.  They fit fine.  We sometimes put a size two on you for extra absorbency, though!
  • You are still wearing mostly size three months in your clothes.  I put a six months size on you last week on a cool day, and it was only a little loose.  The three months stuff is starting to get a little tight length-wise, but we don't have any warm-weather clothes in six months size, so you'll just have to deal with it! Haha.
  • You still wake up two to three times each night.  Luckily, it's usually a quick nursing session and then you fall back asleep and stay that way for a couple of hours.  I feel like my body is finally starting to adjust to this schedule.  I mean, it's still kind of hard to get up in the morning, but I don't feel DEAD tired like I did a month or so ago.  
  • You have been going to bed around 7 or 7:15 each night.  You just hit this point where you seem SO tired that you almost literally cannot take another minute of being awake for the day.  We try to get you in bed before you hit that point because you do some pretty crazy screaming if it gets too late.  
  • I still swaddle you each night for bedtime and plan to continue for at least a little while.  We tried to have you sleep unsaddled a couple of weeks ago and it was disastrous.  We'll hold off on that idea for a while. 
  • You smile and "talk" to us all the time.  It's the sweetest sound.  It almost sounds like you're saying "hi" to us.  If you're anything like your Momma, you won't be able to stop talking once you actually start!  We can also get you to do a subtle little belly laugh, too.  
  • You are starting to really get moving.  If we lay you down on the floor on your back, you almost instantly roll over to your stomach and start trying to use your legs.  Basically, you are prepping for crawling, and I am NOT ready for that.  Slow down, child.  You will also roll back over onto your back and then back to the stomach again.  

  • You are in LOVE with sucking on your hands.  You also like to take your baby doll and put her foot or her rings in your mouth.  I got you a mini-Sophie like your brother had, but she's a little harder than regular Sophie.  I am thinking of ordering regular Sophie to see if she helps you a little.  I am wondering when your first tooth/teeth will pop out because you drool constantly and are chewing/sucking on anything you can grab and fit into your mouth!
  • You don't take very long naps throughout the day.  You often fall asleep in the carseat for a little bit if we're running mornign errands.  If I put you to sleep in the swing or your crib, you usually only sleep for 30-45 minutes tops at a time.  I am hoping that as time goes on, you'll learn that naps are the best thing EVER and sleep a little longer each time.
  • You love to watch your brother do whatever crazy thing he's doing.  Dancing, coloring, eating, watching TV...he fascinates you, and I love it.  I am sure that you will learn lots from him this way.  He loves to grab your arms or hands and move them around while singing or talking to you.  When you roll over onto your stomach, he often tells you to roll back over onto your back and does it for you.  He is usually pretty gentle but can sometimes get just a little rough.  You take it pretty well, though, and I think this will make you tough!  I also think you two will be pretty good friends. 

Obviously, we love and adore you so much.  We are so excited for all of the fun fall and winter holidays and activities with both you and your brother.  You both have made our lives more fun than we could ever have imagined! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Parker-isms

Parker has been saying TONS of cute stuff lately, but I thought I'd share just a few of the ones that I wrote down to remember.
  • I bought Parker some of the old school Mr. Sketch markers that have different smells for different colors.  I remember using them when I was little and loving them.  He literally played with them almost all day.  He colored with them, stacked them up, took the lids on and off, and laid them out in rows.  I couldn't believe all of the different ways he played with them.  While he was playing with them, out of nowhere, he said with a smirk on his face, "Yellow makes me happy, and green makes me sad."  Then he would say, "Pink makes me happy, and blue makes me sad."  It was so random and funny.
  • Every night lately, Ryan and I lay with Parker on the floor and get under a blanket to sing songs together before bed.  We were laying there last week and he noticed one of the many moles under my arm and said, "What is that, Momma?"  I told him it was a mole.  His response was, "Is that poop?"  He thought it was hilarious, I couldn't help but laugh, and Ryan made a joke of it.  Now he often says to me in a joking, funny way, "You've got poop on your arm!"  He thinks it's hilarious. 
  • When we went to the Children's Museum last week, we had to park in a parking garage.  When we pulled in, my thoughts went to the hospital parking garage at CHKD.  Parker almost immediately asked, "We're going to the hospital?"  It was so sweet and innocent.  He asks about going to the hospital almost every time he gets hurt or we talk about being sick. 
  • Drop-offs at school are still pretty rough.  A couple of weeks ago, I was asking him about how his day went and about specific kids in his class.  He told me, "The kids were all freaking out crying."  I asked him if he was crying, and he said, "not me!"  Yeah right, kid.  We all know that's not true!
  • Parker's favorite silly thing to say at this time in response to any question you ask is, "Doh-Doh."  As in.... What's your name? "Doh-Doh."  What's your favorite color? "Doh-Doh."  Who did you see at school today?  "Doh-Doh."  I try not to encourage it, but sometimes I just can't help but laugh.    

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Children's Museum

On Friday, we visited our local children's museum in Portsmouth for the first time.  I have wanted to take Parker there for a while now, and am so glad that we went!  I still can't decide whether I'd like to get a "season pass" or not.  We thought it was neat but weren't super-pumped about going back again.  Parker really seemed to like it and didn't want to leave.  I guess that's why it's called a children's museum and not an adult museum! We took tons of pictures, of course, so you can see for yourself everything that we did.

Controlling the container-lifter-crane-thing.

Writing a check and then being the teller. 

Blurry but had to share--milking the cow!

Going to see Curious George!  This was exciting to him because lately, all he wants to read is Curious George each night.  He and Ryan read one story each night from one of his three Curious George books.

I think this was his favorite part of the entire museum, and of course it's part of the Curious George exhibit that ends today.  You put the foam block in, turn the wheel, and then when it reaches the top it goes down a series of conveyor belts.  I think that he would have done it ALL DAY if we had let him. 

Audrey and I in Curious George-land.  

I love this picture!  Traveling through the tunnel to see the trains up close. 

"I'm the king of the world!" 

Reeling in Parker's fish for him.  It was serious business. 

The boys in the "biiiiiiiig, tall bubble" on the left, and watching the bubble pop on the right!

Checking out the little house upstairs. 

Very brave!  It was a turtle shell.

Audrey found the whole thing very exciting, obvi.

Trying to pull the lever all the way back to have these little cars go down a race track.  It was kind of tough!

Watching the ball "dance" in mid-air.

I asked him to draw an "O"---AND HE DID!  Seriously--how cool is that?

Yeah...he loved this.  It was tempting for me to tell him to put his face on there, but the germophobe in me won out. 

Playing on the stage.  We really had a great time! 

Now that I've re-lived the experience, I totally wish we had gotten the pass.  I could see coming here with Wyatt and Kaley and him having a blast all over again.  To him, I guess it's like a giant playground with cool adult stuff to do.  Until next time.....

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Last Week

This whole last week has been so crazy.  I went back to work, so Parker went to Sunnybrook for the full two days last week, and Audrey was at both Ms. Donna's house and Ryan's parents' house.  It was a week full of waking up earlier than I'm used to, driving all around Virginia Beach, and adjusting to having less time to get things done around the house.  Overall, it was pretty rough.  I am blessed to only work part time right now, so I know that it's not quite as stressful as it could be.  Still, it was definitely a transition week for me.

Audrey did well except for her reluctance to drink from the bottle.  Parker had a very rough time with being dropped off.  I haven't seen him cry like that in a long time.  It was very sad for both of us!  He would start off each morning by saying he didn't want to go to school, and the protests continued on and off the entire way there.  Once we actually got out of the car each day, I had to carry him and basically pry him off of me to leave him in the classroom.

Audrey's bottle skills have improved dramatically, so I am hoping she will remember how great it is when she returns to Ms. Donna's house tomorrow.  Parker has been talking a lot about going back to school in the last couple of days, so I'm hoping he has an easier time with drop-off than last week.

Of course, I was super-sad to see less of them last week.  It was especially hard to be away from Audrey because I was used to having her with me every day all summer long.  The difficulties they were having away from home made me miss them even more.  I think that this week will be better for all of us and am hoping that I'm right!

In the meantime, I'll just focus on these sweet pictures that I took today and be grateful for the love that is growing between them each day.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Taking Pictures of a Toddler and a Baby

It's not easy, and it's usually frustrating.  I am always trying to take pictures of my two gorgeous children, and at their ages, it's almost impossible to get a "good" one where there are "posing" together. I can usually get some pretty good candid shots, but when I sit them together and try to get them to look at the camera and smile, it hardly ever turns out good. 

In this example, neither one would look at the camera.  Had they both been looking, it would have been super cute!

In this one, Parker looks too serious (although sweet) and Audrey wouldn't look up at me.  If he had been smiling and she had been looking at the camera, I would have been excited.

This was when Parker decided Audrey's sweet ears needed to be grabbed.  I mean, I get it--it's like they're just begging to be pulled on, but I don't think she appreciated it.

Both looking at the camera, but both looking like they're either judging me or suspicious of me.  Either way, not cool.

Hilarious.  Between the fake smile with closed eyes, Audrey's unbuttoned collar, and her complete disregard for the location of the camera lens, this picture is both the best and worst at the same time!  

I will continue onward in my quest for the perfect picture of my children.  When I finally get one, you know I'll be sharing.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Parker's First Day of Preschool!

...AKA Parker's first day of school EVER.  How crazy is that??  

We went to Sunnybrook on Tuesday so he could meet his teacher and get acquainted with his classroom, and he did really well.  We tried to back off and let him do his own thing, and for the most part, he did.  His classroom has EVERYTHING--cars, blocks, chalkboards, crayons, counting bears, markers, magnets, name it--they have it.  He hit almost every "station" in the 45 minutes we were there, so I'd say it was a success!

Today was the actual first full day of school.  Unfortunately, Ryan was out of town for work, so he couldn't be there to participate.  Parker "slept in" and got up at about 7:15.  I was in super-rush mode of course, and the first thing he said to me, which he has never asked before, was, "I want to snuggle with you in your room, Momma."  I could have melted right then and there into the carpet.  Here I was, all crazy and sweaty and nervous and anxious, and he just wanted to snuggle with me.  It was just what I needed at that time.  

We snuggled for just a few minutes, and then I got him dressed.  While I was getting him dressed, he said, "I don't want to go to Sunnybrook!"  I kind of ignored it because he is always very back and forth in what he says.  Audrey woke up almost right after that, so I fed her and got her dressed, too.  She was going to Honey's house today because I was taking my mom to her colonoscopy.  I had prepped almost all of their "stuff"the night before, so once we were all dressed, it was pretty much time to go.  I just had to make his waffle and blueberries to eat in the car on the way and grab a couple of last minute things.

Before we left the house, I had to take the obligatory "first day" pictures.  I was SO excited to do this, and I made a framed chalkboard to use for this morning and many more to come.  

Seriously--how sweet??  Also, check out the bruises on the legs.  It's super weird, but we think they are  mainly from when he comes out of his bed on his stomach like a crazy person during naptime and they hit the edge of the bed rail.

...and this is when I pretty much knew picture taking was done!  Haha.  Our neighbor walked over at this point, and I was able to get a couple more "regular" pictures thanks to her.

We left the house right after this and headed straight to the school.  When we were almost there, I said, "Where is your school?"  He answered back and said, "I'll show you, Momma."  He knows exactly where it is because we pass by it every time we go to Honey's house or church.  "When we got there, I had to take a picture in front of the school with his apple nametag on!

We walked to his classroom, and there were no children there!  His teacher was actually putting on lipstick when we walked up--haha. She teacher explained that before 8:30, he actually goes to a different classroom, so she showed us where to go.  He walked right in and there were LOTS of kids in there.  He seemed pretty excited, so I just gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and left.  I was so nervous all morning, but I didn't shed one tear.  I was truly excited for him!  

When I picked him up this afternoon, he was in a different classroom again.  His "afternoon teacher" said he did really well today but had a hard time with naptime.  She said he wasn't bad but that he did not go to sleep.  He laid down and held puppy, and she sat with him and a couple of other kids.  He is really weird about naps, but I think he may get used to it and sleep there eventually.

My BIGGEST concern of the whole day was what would happen at lunch time.  Since he really only eats PBJ's, grilled cheese, and chicken nuggets, I wasn't sure about what to do with his lunch.  The school serves a varied menu, and today's items included sloppy joes, tater tots, green beans, and pineapple.  The only thing I thought he might eat would be the tater tots, but I didn't want to bring any extra food for him because I don't want him to get into the habit of having a lunch brought from home.  I felt like he would try new foods when he saw most of the other kids eating them and didn't want to be a picky eater enabler.  haha!  

When I asked him what he ate for lunch, he said beans, hamburger, and tater tots--all in line with the menu.  I asked him if he ate them, and he said that he did.  Then about five minutes later, he told me that he didn't.  About an hour after that, he told me that it was all in his belly.  We'll see.  The afternoon teacher wasn't with him at lunch, so she couldn't tell me.  If he starts eating different kinds of food, I will be SO happy!  I am looking forward to seeing how next week goes.  

He seemed like he had a good time and said he wants to go back again.  He has show and tell next week--seriously, how cute is that??  I am really looking forward to seeing his progress this year and having him tell me about each day!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Audrey is Three Months Old!

Audrey, you turned three months old last Wednesday! You are SUCH a little sweetie.  

Here's what's going on with you:
  • You are wearing size One diapers.  We have also started doing cloth diapers most of the time and I love them!  You don't really care either way at this point.  You are set on a 2 in the waist and a 4 in the legs of the FuzziBunz on the tightest snaps.
  • You are still wearing size three months in all of your clothes. It seems like they fit you pretty good and will last until the weather gets cool and you can start wearing your six month clothes.
  • You smile at us all the time now!  It is so precious to see your face just light up. 
  • You have definitely "found your hands" and love having them in your mouth often.  You chew on your knuckles.  You also drool and blow raspberries A LOT--if you were older, I would think you were teething.  I've felt around in there and haven't felt anything.....yet.
  • I took a work trip to Atlanta this month and left you at home with Daddy and Parker.  You guys spent most of the time at Honey's house, but that's okay :) I pumped tons of milk before leaving and you did great drinking from the bottle consistently for the first time.
  • You started rolling over this month!  You roll from your back to your stomach and then get kind of "stuck."  This happens sometimes at night while you're swaddled and you get really, really mad because you can't flip back over yet.  This has resulted in more wake ups an night!  Not cool, my dear. 
  • You are starting to "talk" to us more and more.  You coo and make high pitched squealing noises and blow your raspberries.  These are the sweetest noises!

This entire outfit was made for you by Linda Walters, a woman that we have known and gone to church with for a long time.  It is absolutely beautiful--I love it!  I would never think to put a bonnet on you or even buy one, but I have to say that you looked pretty darn cute wearing it today.
  • You love to watch TV.  I definitely don't do this often, but in the mornings when I'm getting ready, I can let Parker lay in our bed and lay you on the floor.  You are pretty mesmerized by Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street--just like your brother!
  • I know that they can still change, but your eyes are pretty much blue and gorgeous!  They seem to just shine, and we love them.  It's interesting to see them change from grey-blue to true blue.  

You are just gorgeous!

Comparison shot.  You are getting so big.

Comparison shot with your brother at the same age.  My little sweeties.

I am SUPER sad because I will no longer have you with me all day every day starting this week.  You will go to Ms. Donna's house for the first time on Tuesday and then go to Honey's house on Thursday for a while.  Next week I will start back to work three days per week, so I will definitely be missing you bad.  I am fortunate to have Mondays and Fridays off, though, so I will look forward to my time with you (and your brother) on those days even more!  

You get more and more beautiful each day, and we can't wait to see what the next month holds.