Monday, September 9, 2013

Labor Day

On Labor Day, we went to the beach in the morning and then went to Ryan's parents' house for an afternoon celebration.  I completely forgot all about taking pictures at their house!  Once we got there, I set everything down and didn't pick any of it back up--including the camera!  Anyway, here are the pictures I took at the beach.  I tried to get more of Parker, but he would not sit still and look at the camera at the same time for the most part.  We really enjoyed it and I'm still hoping to get back to the beach at least one more time before summer is completely gone. 

LOVING the pigtails on this girl.  Seriously.

Going to try to use this one as a silhouette.  We shall see if it turns out.  

This boy is happy in the water!  Even when he's shivering and his lips are turning blue.  Haha.

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