- She is now wearing size 12-18 months in most things. I've bought 18-24 months for pretty much all of her cold weather clothes!
- She can wear a size 4 diaper but a size 3 still fits her pretty well. She will now tell me when she has "poopoo" in her diaper--really hoping this means we may have an earlier potty training experience with her!
- She says TONS of words now, some of which include: more, ball, cheese, milk, waffle, night-night, baby, girl, moo, brother, thank-you, welcome, whoa, oh no!, uh-oh, out, book, cup, hi, and bye. I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a couple but these were the ones that came to mind! They're not all super-clear to others but we definitely know what you're saying. You also say "hunna" for Honey, "gaga" for Granddaddy, "aley" for Haley, "amy" for Omi, "woowoo" and sometimes Lulu for Lulu, and "cocka" for Parker. You say Momma, Dadda, Mona, NayNay, Opa and Amy just fine!

- I can ask her how she's doing or how something tastes, and she'll respond, "good!"
- Almost every time she gives us a hug, she walks up to us and just kind of falls into us and tucks her arms in. If we pick her up, she'll tuck them underneath her. It's very sweet!
- I stopped breastfeeding her last week. I think 8/27 was the last day I fed her. It hasn't been too much of an issue except that she is still asking me for milk every morning when she gets up! Daddy and I distract her with books, toys and her cup, but it saddens me just a little when I have to tell her "no milk."
(playing peek-a-boo!)
- I don't think I ever officially "recorded" this but she started walking right at about 13 months old!
- Right now she is really into looking through books but does not usually want to sit and be read to. She also likes to take them to bed with her.
- She loves peek-a-boo and patty-cake.
- She and Parker love to play with each other--sometimes. Haha. They like to chase after each other and can be in the pack-n-play together for a while. After a while, though, Parker will start to lay on her or hug her when she doesn't want to be hugged or stack toys around or on her and it gets on her nerves! They also like to "talk" to each other in the car. They will repeat each other and laugh--so cute!
- She eats SO many different things but does NOT like regular milk. I have tried giving it to her so many different ways and she just refuses. It's so crazy because Parker loved it at first sip! The variety of things she eats amazes me. She likes almost everything, but her favorites at the moment are cottage cheese, quinoa, noodles of all kinds, eggs, waffles, cheese and yogurt. There are so many others but these are the current faves!
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