Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend Progress

This weekend Ryan and Bryan worked on our new shed on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.  Parker took three hour naps both days, so I got almost everything done that I wanted to in the house and also was able to put my feet up for a little while to rest them.  They are SUPER swollen by the middle of each day and after doing housework, it felt good to put them up for a little bit.  After his nap each day, he wanted to go outside to see Daddy and Uncle "Byan" and play.  

On Saturday, he wanted to "kick-ee big ball"!  That's probably the most requested outdoor activity.

I am absolutely in love with this child's hair.  He needs a haircut bad but I am thinking around the ears and neck only.  The curls are too cute for me to part with. 

I mean....seriously.  IN LOVE.  I know it maybe looks a little crazy, but it's sweet.  Okay, maybe a little trim on the top, too.  We'll see.

Photo-op with Uncle Bryan.  I promise he isn't scared of him--haha.

Bryan and Ryan hard at work.  On Saturday, they poured concrete for the foundation of the shed, so they couldn't do much else on the shed until Sunday since the concrete had to cure.  Since they couldn't do "shed work", they planted perennial plants in our front beds and mulched.  They got it done so quick.  That's what teamwork does!

Parker "helped."  

On Sunday they were able to do more actual shed work.  They made pretty good progress, and hopefully will get the floor completed this upcoming weekend.  

After Bryan left on Sunday, Parker and Ryan had a little fun with the wheelbarrow before we headed inside for the night.

"Parker do it!"

"Daddy help."

He LOVED it!  I guess it would be difficult to find a two-year old who wouldn't.  He asked us again tonight to take a ride.  I love warm weather and being outside.  I am really looking forward to summer and having time off to spend with both of my babies!  I can't believe that in about three weeks, I will be a mother to TWO children.  It will definitely be an interesting and crazy but fun summer!  

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