Obviously we had to do the basket first! Parker enjoyed finding all of his little presents and opening the plastic eggs. There was only a little bit of candy in there, and he really didn't care that much about it.
We went to church that morning, of course, and went to lunch at Olive Garden afterwards with the Jeffersons.
Here's Parker with his cousins, Haley and Ian. It's the best shot I got of all three.
After lunch, I had to have a little "portrait" session. Haha! Of course, he would barely sit still, but I got a few decent shots. I absolutely loved what he was wearing!

The fake-ish smile.
He was happy to have my phone! Love the expression on his face.
After Parker took a nice nap, we headed over to Omi's for an egg hunt and dinner. Since Omi was still in recovery mode from her surgery, Mom, Renee and I prepared all of the food. It was a little stressful but so good!
Finding the first egg!
....and another.
......and another. He did a great job once he was pointed in the general direction of each egg--haha!
He had to have a little help from Granddaddy opening the eggs. I love this picture.

Money! He kept saying, "More eggs! More money!" It was funny.
The Easter Bunny hid some of the eggs in impossible to reach places! Parker was lucky to have Auntie Nay and Granddaddy there to assist.
"Okay, I found all of the eggs--now what?"
Bubbles, of course! The Easter Bunny said that he almost didn't get the "bubble gun", but it has been a big hit since then.
They were popping all of the bubbles. He really had a blast with that.
Obviously, once all the fun stuff was done, we had to have MORE portrait time. It seems like I can never get actual pictures with Parker or as a family, so I wanted to at least attempt.
Here is our best "family" shot:
I love it but wish he was looking at the camera, too! There were a couple other "normal" pictures, but I definitely liked this one the best.
Parker and Opa. Parker just loves him. I think the feeling is mutual!
Parker and Auntie Nay--they are best buds!

There you go--Easter 2012! It is SUCH a relief to finally share these pictures because now I can move on to more normal everyday type stuff. That's my goal at least. Here's to regular updates! :)
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