ugh. Last week was rough. We were sick--all of us. First Parker, then me, then Ry. It was not pretty.
Last Monday morning, Parker woke up super-early and was super-fussy. He nursed and then proceeded to throw up all over me. It's funny how it didn't really gross me out at all--I just felt so bad for him! I did have a good amount in my hair, so I had to take a shower because, let's face it, that is just gross. Obviously, I kept him home with me all day, and he threw up only three more times. We just lounged around and relaxed together.
Outfits were changed, long naps were taken (by Parker, not me), sheets were washed, and large doses of love were administered :)

All cozy and snuggly while watching Juno in his plastic adirondack chair.

Feeling better later in the day.
The next day, Parker seemed like he was all better, so I took him to his Honey's house. He had diarrhea all day and did not want to drink much. We came thisclose to taking him to the ER due to lack of pee-diapers, but we ended up holding off and we're so glad we did. He drank a good amount that evening and had plenty of pee-diapers later on. On Wednesday, he had diarrhea just a couple more times, and that was it for the sickness.
That night, I went to bed feeling super-nauseous, hoping that I was not getting it. Unfortunately, this was not the case. In a matter of minutes, I was in the bathroom and remained there on and off until about three in the morning. It was horrible, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. When Parker woke us up on Thursday morning, Ryan went to get him (as usual), brought him to me very quickly, and said, "I think I'm going to throw up." He then proceeded to do so in the bathroom. I could not believe that we both had "the sickness"! Fortunately for him, this was the only time that occurred, but he still felt sick all day long. We both stayed home while Honey took care of Parker again so we could get some rest. By Friday, we were up and running again like almost-normal. Ryan's stomach was still a little off, but we ate dinner at Tijuana Flats, so he wasn't too bad-off.

Not sure where this behavior is coming from--maybe the sickness, but not a regular occurrence at this point!
Parker's appetite finally returned on Saturday, and at that point I felt that I could say that we were all well.
Whew. First baby's first major sickness? Check that one off the list!
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