This weekend was my "birfday" weekend! I am now realizing that since I was not in charge of taking any pictures, not many pictures were taken. Oh well! I'll recap with words.
First of all, I would consider my birthday weekend kicking off on Wednesday when the BFF and I went to the mall to have dinner (Chick-fil-A..we are so classy), get pedicures, and shop together at Forever 21! Contrary to what you might be thinking, this was not my 16th birthday--it was actually my 27th. hahaha! We had a great time, as always, and were able to catch up and relax (kind of) together. The nail salon was an "experience" to say the least, and I doubt we'll go
back to that one anytime soon. Amy got a couple of cute things at Forever 21, and all I bought was jewelry. I am just not that into clothes right now--I need to use my birthday present from my Mom and Omi (an elliptical--YAY!) and then maybe I'll be more in the mood to go through the pain of clothes shopping! The main thing is that we were able to spend time together and talk without any (ahem) interruptions at all.
Renee came over super-early Friday morning to travel with Parker and I to Target and Trader Joes. We ate a yummy lunch at home and she hung around for a while to spend time with Parker while I did some cleaning. She is so super helpful and I hope she knows how much I always appreciate her spending time with us and being my "Friday Nanny". Haha! :) Parker really does love his Auntie Nay and I am so glad that he has brought the two of us closer together.
Friday night, we had dinner with Ryan's family at Sumo. We all had hibachi--one of our favorites and sooooooooo so good. The chef we had was pretty entertaining but also slightly evil--he really enjoyed scaring Parker. Every time the fire flared up, Parker would yell and try to climb out of his highchair seat. The chef noticed this and decided to do a little more fire in his "presentation" than I've ever noticed before. It was pretty hilarious to me.
Saturday was my actual birthday but was a pretty normal day! Parker let us sleep in just a little, which was a great present from him. My mom came over and watched him for a couple of hours so we could run a few errands that involved loading large heavy objects into the car. We had lunch with my mom and then she left. We did housework type things all afternoon--they needed to be done! That evening, we had breakfast for dinner with our friends Nate and Kim, and their sweet baby, Kaley. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken. I was really slacking with the camera this weekend!
Today was a pretty normal Sunday. Breakfast with my parents, church, lunch with Ryan's family, home to chill (work for me, naps for Ry and Parker), and then to Omi's for dinner! This afternoon, Parker helped me put up some Easter window decals.

My little helper. Don't you love the flowers? Thanks! I bought them for myself on Friday at Trader Joes. haha!

My mom made a yummy dinner for me since Omi is still not able to do that. Omi did make an amazingly wonderful Apple Cake (my FAVE) for me, though. I know it feels so good for her to be up and moving after her surgery!

This wasn't even the Apple Cake--she also decided to make cheesecake, too. You can tell the woman was really ready to bake! I think Parker thought everyone was singing, "Happy Birthday" to him again. He really enjoyed trying both cakes. He probably would have eaten a whole piece of each if we had let him. Alas, we have to teach him a little self-control.
My gift from Ryan was Jimmy Buffett tickets! He is coming here in May and we have wanted to see him for a while. I am super excited to go and was very surprised when I found out....after looking through a text conversation on Ryan's phone.. haha! I asked permission and he forgot about that being on there. Oh well! I was still surprised. (PS the looking through the phone was not in a creeper sort of way...just normal behavior for me!)
Like I told Ryan on Saturday, this is truly my best birthday ever because I was able to share it with him and my sweet PBJ as well as the rest of our family and our friends. I am excited for the things this year will hold and to see the way my life will change.
I'm also super-excited that I am still under 30! Woohoo! :)
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