Food-wise...nothing too exciting. haha! I've been making crock-pot dinners for about a week now, so we've eaten a lot of crock pot food. Neither of us has been too crazy about any of it. I made chicken spaghetti, chicken stroganoff, "prospector's stew" (kielbasa-based), and a whole chicken dinner--all just kind of "eh." It's so disappointing! I am going to keep forging on, though. I need to try a new cookbook or something....I just really like crockpot cooking because of the ease and simplicity of it all. I need some new inspiration!
I got a haircut Saturday, and Ryan worked on tiling the foyer with his dad. On Saturday evening, we went to Town Center for the grand illumination with Amy, her Momma, and the sweet Wyatt. We got there a little late, so we couldn't see the parade too well.
In more food-related news, we ate at Kelly's for dinner. This was VERY yum. I had a St Patty Melt because that's what Amy and her momma got. I can't handle the pressure of looking across the table at options I "should have chosen." Ahh, food. That's a whole 'nother post.
Sunday we had church and then came home and did yard work. Ryan mowed the grass, and I planted pansies. It was sad to take out the vinca that we planted right after Parker was born.
They grew to be SO huge! But they aren't a winter flower and I looooooooooove pansies anyway. I'm pretty sure the vinca will be back..their roots were left all over the place in the beds.
We had a sweet helper...

We did not have dinner at Omi's on Sunday as usual since Thanksgiving is Thursday. Instead we had crockpot Chicken Stroganoff.We had a sweet helper...
We both have off Thursday through Sunday and are super excited for the time we get to spend with our families for Thanksgiving. I am also very excited about shopping on Friday (kind of). I'm also very stressed. That's also a whole 'nother topic. I love getting good deals, but getting up so early really stresses me out! haha.
Maybe Parker will make it easy for me like he did a couple of days last week. Nah..he'll probably still be asleep by the time I get HOME from shopping. And then he'll laugh when he gets up and say, "haha mom--look how long you could have slept in!"
This post is getting more and more off topic by the line.
The end.
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