Ryan, Parker, Chris, Molly and I arrived Friday evening and had dinner together. Chris made "Chris-pasta" and it was super yummy. It was soooooooo nice having a full kitchen to use.
Bryan and Lacy didn't get there until almost 10, so we waited up for them. WOW was that hard. The four of us were ready to go to bed at about 730..haha! When they arrived, we took a quick group picture to mark the real start of the weekend and then the boys smoked cigars while us girls played Scattergories. We had an absolute BLAST! 
Obviously not my finest photographic moment.

Just three 30-year old "brothers" drinking coffee out of tiny coffee cups with their left hands in their pockets. I did not tell them to do that. Can you tell who got up earliest and who had just woken up?
My little man...all bundled up and ready to go!
Obviously not my finest photographic moment.
When Ryan and I went to bed at about midnight, we tiptoed around very, VERY quietly....and Parker still decided that he wanted to wake up. He kept us up until one and then decided that 545 was the time to get up! We did not get much sleep but were still excited to wake up with him in the cozy cabin. We snuggled together in the bed and dozed in and out between kisses and "dadas" and "mommas." This is something we do every Saturday, but this time it was that much more fun.

Playing the bongos since it's a Saturday in the country--duh.
Playing the bongos since it's a Saturday in the country--duh.
Just three 30-year old "brothers" drinking coffee out of tiny coffee cups with their left hands in their pockets. I did not tell them to do that. Can you tell who got up earliest and who had just woken up?
After eating a yummy bagel and cream cheese breakfast, we decided that we were going to head to the Luray Caverns about 45 minutes away to see this natural wonder. I have never really been into that kind of thing before, but for some reason I felt like we really needed to go. It was nothing short of breathtaking. Literally, I was in complete awe. 
This is the lake in the caverns--it looks like a mirror image, but it's really water on the bottom. AMAZING.
Ryan took about 6000 pictures inside the caverns, bless his heart, but I won't post them so that we can leave some suspense for people that may want to visit in the future. HA!
Ryan took about 6000 pictures inside the caverns, bless his heart, but I won't post them so that we can leave some suspense for people that may want to visit in the future. HA!
After leaving the cabins and having lunch, we headed back to the cabin, stopping at a couple of wineries on the way. Once we were back, we just relaxed by hanging out in the cabin, walking around outside, napping, and cooking. That night we played Loaded Questions until we were laughing so hard we were crying!
Watching Uncle Chris watch the VT game--he was a little intense.
Out for a walk around the perimeter of the yard. This picture was taken right before Parker peed and it leaked through the diaper onto my back. I think he was just trying to keep me warm!

Unfortunately, it was time to head home on Sunday morning. Ryan cooked eggs and bacon for everyone and we enjoyed a yummy last meal.
Uncle Bryan and Parker Bryan :)
Bryan shot off some potatoes with his potato gun as a ceremonial "goodbye" to the woods--haha. Then we took some "formal pictures" before leaving the cabin. 
We were trying to watch the potato fly into the woods--they were hard to keep an eye on. Lace was kind enough to shield Parker's ears from the noise. He didn't seem to mind!
Our "formals"
We were trying to watch the potato fly into the woods--they were hard to keep an eye on. Lace was kind enough to shield Parker's ears from the noise. He didn't seem to mind!

This was such a fun and relaxing weekend. I was very sad to leave and get back to the real world, but we are all already looking forward to the next trip! Notice the title of the post.
Until next year.........
Until next year.........
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