Obviously it's pretty difficult to get a "still" picture of such an active game. haha!
Audrey was watching her Daddy pretty closely. Can you see her mop hair? It's almost long enough to be tucked behind her ear but not quite. I put a bow or hair tie in it almost immediately when she wakes up so she can see, but I totally forgot after her nap!

Here's Jake--I mean, Parker--playing with his "mote control" car. Probably driving it into his sister. :)
We went to Omi's this evening and had delicious goulash. Ryan started to watch the Superbowl there and was supposed to continue once we got here but the Fox Sports app wasn't working correctly with Apple TV and I couldn't even get it to stream on the computer, so we switched to Blacklist. Ah, the perils of having no cable.
These daily posts are going to be CRAZY interesting--so be prepared!
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