So to start off with, we decorated our living room tree two days after Thanksgiving. Parker and Audrey both "helped". I use that term VERY loosely because they definitely needed plenty of direction and I believe five ornaments were broken in one night. It was very sweet to watch them, though. Of course, I couldn't get Parker to stand still for any but was able to watch this girl from afar.

This is the only decent picture I got from the day we bought our real tree, which was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Parker was too busy running around like a madman--he was so excited.

This was at breakfast with Santa at church. Parker, Audrey and sweet baby Leah. Can't wait for these three to experience more and more holidays and fun times together!

Here is this year's official picture with "Sema." My, my how the tables have turned from last year--haha!
On Christmas Eve, we went to dinner at Omi's. This year, the kids and I didn't make it to church because the timing just didn't work. I was going to take them to the 7:30 service but they were both so tired that it didn't make sense.

My boys.
Truly the best we could get. It's always tough!
When I got home with the kids, we threw out reindeer food and I got them to bed so I could finish wrapping gifts and cleaning up.
These two in their matching jammies right before bed on Christmas Eve......I just love it.
Parker was VERY excited to wake up on Christmas day and see what Santa brought. This year, Santa brought Parker his first bike, the Octopod from Octonauts ("Octonauts' ship" as Parker called it), and Captain Hook's treasure chest. He brought Audrey a Little People bus, a helmet, and a baby stroller and high chair. He also brought a "together" gift for both of them that is a Little People Christmas house with Santa and Mrs. Claus, as well as all of the little things in their stockings. We got Parker Jake's ship and Audrey a Little People dollhouse.
Parker wanted to play with EVERYTHING , including all of Audrey's toys, and all Audrey wanted to play with was the stroller and high chair. She didn't care about opening anything past those two!
Here are some snapshots from the morning:
Woohooooooooo! Jake's ship! :)
Toy Story socks--he was excited.
Santa Claus left half of a peanut butter ball--Audrey was all about that.
Feeding baby in her new high chair.
My parents, grandparents and sister all came over for breakfast as they do each year and we opened gifts together. It all makes for a very exciting and fun morning for everyone!
All the girls.....well, except for me, of course.
Parker wanted to help everyone open their gifts. He's definitely a pro!
Apparently Dad was pretty excited about his gift! haha!
After breakfast was finished at our house, we headed over to the Jeffersons house to spend the rest of the day with them. We opened gifts, had lunch, and the children did NOT take naps. We had a great day! I never pulled out the camera because my dear Lacy had hers out and was taking so many pictures. Also, my eye swelled and swelled throughout the day and became increasingly irritated. I found out the next day that it was, in fact, pink eye.
A few additional facts from this year:
- Throughout the holiday season, we listened to Christmas music all.the.time. I had no problem with this because I love it, and the kids learned some new songs. Every time we would walk in the house, Parker wanted to turn on Christmas music. It was the same in the car! Parker sang pretty much any song that came on because he heard them so much.
- Every time "Frosty the Snowman" came on, Parker would say "it's my song!" I thought this was so funny, like he was saying, "oh--that's my jam!"
- Both kids really liked the instrumental version of "Sleigh Ride"--particularly the part toward the end with the trombones and the very, very end where the "horsie" (as Audrey calls it) says "neiiiiiiiiiiigh!"
- They also both liked the part of "Do They Know It's Christmas" where they sing, "Feed the woooooooorld...let them know it's Christmas time". Both kids would walk around singing, "Feed the wooooooooorld", and then Parker would sing the second part.
- Audrey would say, "Santa Claus comin'" and when I'd ask her what he was bringing, she'd say, "teeoys."
- Both kids loved the new Mickey inflatable we put in the yard. They loved him when he was deflated, when he was inflatING, and when he was inflated. Parker got upset when he would fall down in the rain or wind. They were always concerned with Mickey!
I'm sure I'm forgetting something that I'll wish I had put in here later, but I wanted to put at least these things down to remember. Christmas is such a special time--I am sad it's over and am already looking forward to next year.
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