So on day four it was time to leave the beach and head to Orlando. We got up, finished packing everything into the car, and headed to the Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg.
Not sure why, but I loved this sign. It was basically like a tropical version of the botanical gardens. Very pretty and a nice walk. It was a little toasty, though!

A nice guy that worked there gave Parker a bag of fish food, so he got to feed them every time we got to a pond. He loved it!
All of us sitting on the Growing Stone. The sign says "Legend has it that, 'He who sits upon the ancient stone shall be granted tranquility, inner harmony, and the talent to make things grow.'" I am totally down with all of that! haha.
Looking for more fish!
Pretty girl kicking and pulling on a palm tree. She loved being in the stroller!
It was a beautiful stop on the way to our "new hotel" (as Parker called it) in Orlando. Once we arrived, we got everything into the hotel and headed to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries. We were told that this particular Wal-Mart also had tons of Disney souvenirs at great prices, so I bought a couple of t-shirts that were $8.97. I was SO glad because I later saw the SAME shirts at the airport for $20!
Be prepared because the next Florida post will cover DISNEY, which was super fun!
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