Easter was super fun but also stressful and rushed-feeling as usual. Haha. We started off the day by having a delicious breakfast at my parents' house as we do every Sunday and then headed to church.
They always have two crosses up at the front of the church and everyone brings flowers to add to them. They turn out so pretty! Parker helped Ryan's mom add her flowers.
This little cutie just sat on the sidelines.
Love this picture of Audrey and her Uncle Bryan.
She was so excited to have her picture taken with cousin Haley! Haha. Notice the straight legs.
This is how my children play together--they roll around on the floor and act like monkeys!
Audrey and her BFF, Charlotte! This is how babies play together. haha!
Not sure about this one, but I know I love this precious boy.
We went to lunch at Gus and George's with the whole fam and then headed to Ryan's parents house for a quick stop to pick up my camera, which I had left at church. On the way home from their house, Audrey fell asleep in the car, so when we got home, only Parker headed to bed. Since he was asleep, I decided to get some pictures of Audrey by herself where I knew she wouldn't be distracted by a crazy toddler! So happy I did because the sweetness coming from these pictures is ah-mazing!
LOVE this one of her sweet hillbilly teef.
After this session, I made a quick peanut butter pie to take to Omi's house and then left with just Audrey to go over there. Parker wasn't quite awake from his nap yet and Ryan was finishing up working on the fence, so I decided to leave with Audrey while the boys got ready together so that we wouldn't be rushing.
At this point, the kids finally got to see what the Easter Bunny brought for them!
I'm pretty sure that Audrey is my daughter--going right for the food items first!
Discovering that there was money in the eggs!
Ryan got new glasses.
Counting his eggs. Notice the finger. He found all of the eggs in less than five minutes!
Audrey got in on the egg hunt action, too.
These two sure do love each other.
NayNay pic!
Opa pic!
At this point we attempted to get some family pictures. It's SO HARD to get pictures with two children where everyone is looking at the camera and smiling. I have definitely learned not to expect it!
We didn't do too bad!
Omi made a delicious dinner for us. We had pork tenderloin, lipton onion potatoes, red cabbage and a green bean casserole my mom made. So good! I snapped a few pics at the table.

I love these two so much and love that we have our family dinners every week!
The rest of the pictures are the result of an attempted session with both kids. You will notice that Parker was basically treating Audrey like she was his puppet. I laughed when I went through the pictures because I did not realize it at the time.
Too bad Audrey wasn't looking at the camera--would have been "perfect" to me!
This one really is perfect because totally captures the two of them in a nutshell.
Until next Easter.......
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