Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve this year was wonderful.  In the morning, Ryan and Parker went to his mom's house to make monkey cake, and Audrey and I went to Target for a few last minute items.  I was able to zip through a little faster than I usually do having both kids with me.  We did just a little bit of house-cleaning once we were both home and then it was time to get ready to leave and go to church and beyond.

Before we went upstairs to get dressed, I wanted to try out taking a few pictures of Audrey in front of the tree to get the blurry light background (bokeh).  I feel horrible that I take so many of Audrey and not Parker but he just won't let me.  Anyway, here are the beauties that I got. 

So much love for this sweet girl.  And her electrified hair!  Haha.  

We got dressed, and this is the point where all of the trouble began.  I bought two dresses in Macy's that I planned to wear on Christmas Eve and Audrey's baptism.  I put the Christmas Eve dress on and realized it was actually a little too short.  Since I had planned all along to wear that one, I moved on to the baptism dress.  I felt like it looked a little short, too, but I asked Ryan, and he said he didn't think so.  I put on my hose and looked in the mirror once more and realized that the fabric on the top of the dress was a little sheer for church.  Basically, you could see the back of my bra through the dress.  I decided that a nude-colored cami would be the best thing to wear, but I didn't have one!  I also noticed that the shorts-looking part of my hose was sticking out of the bottom of the dress (um, definitely a clear indication that it was too short, but I had no time to change at that point).  I had to go to Target to find the cami and a different pair of hose.  

After I found what I needed at Target, I drove to the Jeffersons' house where Ryan had taken the kids.  I changed into my new items immediately when I got there and ripped a hole in the hose before I even left the room.  I hadn't shaved and my legs are super pasty anyway, so I figured I would put the first pair back on and just be very conscious of keeping them hiked up enough that the "shorts-part" wouldn't stick out.  When I went downstairs, I was hiking them up one more time when I ripped them, too!  I was so flustered and frustrated at this point that I contemplated not going to the service.  It would just be me and the kids sitting together since Ryan was playing the piano, and I knew my family was waiting at Omi's anyway.  I was trying to rush and get us out the door so we could still make it when Parker said, "I pooped, Momma!"  That's when I decided that we were NOT going to church.  It was kind of disappointing because it's the first time I haven't attended on Christmas Eve in at least ten years, but it just wasn't working out.  

We left their house and went to Omi's and just hung out until Ryan got there after the service and we could all eat.  Oh--of course I had to take a few pictures of Audrey in her "Christmas dress" at their house while we were waiting for Ryan.  Again, I tried to get Parker to join in, but the Lego table was calling his name and he definitely did not want to break away from that for a picture session.

The tradition at Omi and Opa's is that the kids open presents after and then the adults open them on Christmas day.  For this reason, we headed straight into the den for present opening when dinner was finished! 

Omi giving Audrey her Christmas bear! 

She liked.  

Why, yes, that's my son!  He does exist!  His hair was a little messed up, too.

Happy to play with her bear!

Family picture--you can see that the kids were less than enthused.  And we are blurry.  My mom was operating the camera and did the best she could with what she had!  Haha. 

After Ryan left to go to the next service, I hung around with the kids for just a little bit longer and then it was time to get home.  We had reindeer food to put out as well as milk and cookies for Santa!  I gave Parker the bag of reindeer food and explained to him that he should sprinkle it in the grass.  When I gave him the bag, he turned it over and dumped it all in one place!

Haha.  This is also the best picture I could get of him in his outfit!  So dapper!

When we went inside, Parker knew it was time to get Santa's treats out.  We poured the milk and put the cookies in a little glass cup.  He looked at the milk and said, "this looks gooooooooooood!" and then asked me if he could have a sip.  He also asked if he could take a bite out of the cookie.  Of course, I allowed it!

Once everything was set out for Santa, I headed upstairs with the kids and eventually got them both in bed.  Ryan got home shortly after I put them down and we had several presents to wrap.  We wrapped and watched Downton Abbey together until we had everything done for the next day.  Then it was time to get in bed so Santa could come down the chimney.....

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