- You are currently OBSESSED with the song, "Old Alabama", by Braid Paisley. You want to listen to it every time we get in the car, the entire car-ride. We have to cut it off after a while because you would seriously listen to it all day. It is so funny because you act like you're playing the guitar, violin and drums, and you actually know most of the words and will sing with the song. We are ready for you to get into a new song!
- Speaking of Old Alabama, it's your favorite video to watch on "TooYube."
- You use the words "yesterday", "today", and "last night" all the time but completely incorrectly. For example, we were at a birthday party for a little boy in your class, and as he was opening his present from you, you yelled, "We bought that at Target today!" We did buy it at Target, but it was two days before the party. You will also say that we did something, "last night", when it was really a week ago.
- Words that you say incorrectly that are super-cute: fowlers for flowers, sliddy for silly, owligator for elevator.
- You have been SO GOOD about saying, "Please" and "Thank you." I am so proud! We are still working pretty hard on yes ma'am/sir and no ma'am/sir.
- You put on one of my headbands a couple of weeks ago and said, "I'm a princess like you!" :)
- Out of nowhere, you told me I looked cute when I was getting dressed.
- When you wake up in the morning, you turn off your "heater" (sound machine) and your night light. When you turn the night light OFF, you tell us to watch our eyes.
- You were eating some "go-gurt" (yogurt in a squeeze tube) the other day and asked me what it was. I told you it was "berry", and your response was, "It's not berry, it's soccer ball time!" ???
- Audrey's headband sometimes slips down on her head and into her face. Often the flower on the band will end up right over her eye, and you noticed and said, "She's a pirate!"
I feel like there's so many more, but I'll just continue to type them into my phone and report again soon!
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