Friday, November 30, 2012

Audrey is Six Months Old!


Girl, you are now half a year old!  What???  Could you please just slow down a little bit?  Thanks.  My emotions really appreciate it.  haha!  Seriously, so thankful for you each and every day.  You are a little ray of sweet sunshine that complements your brother's current whirlwind personality perfectly.  Here is what is going on with you right now.

  • At your doctor's appointment today, you weighed 15 pounds 14 ounces and were 27 inches long.  You are in the 50th percentile for weight and 95th for height!  Tall and skinny like your Daddy.  
  • You wear about half six months and half nine months clothes.  Your height is what puts you into the nine months size.  I don't think I've mentioned shoes yet, but you wear a size 3 in shoes right now.  
  • I still have you wearing size 2 diapers, but you could probably stand to wear size 3 now.  I have started adjusting the elastics in your FuzziBunz just a little looser, and the fit seems to be pretty good.
  • You roll ALL over the place.  You look like you're trying to crawl but you just kind of nudge yourself to the side and a little forward.  If we put a toy in front of you, you somehow manage to get to it through little rolls and nudges.  
  • Speaking of rolls, the ones on your legs are really starting to....ummm....fill out?  Let's just say that they're definitely there and they are super sweet.  
  • You are thisclose to being able to sit up on your own.  I can put you in the "tripod" position to sit up and play with a toy but you're still a little unsteady.  I think that by seven months, you'll be there!  
  • You smile all the time.  Since you don't have teeth, it's just a super-big gummy wide-mouth smile that is just so cute.  You also laugh much more often now.  
  • You still love to constantly put your hands and toys in your mouth.  You still have no signs of teeth at all.
  • Your sleep situation is JUST starting to improve.  Up until a couple of nights ago, you were still waking up 2-4 times each night and it was pretty rough.  For the last three nights, you have either slept all night or only woken up once.  This has been SUPER, the best thing ever. EVER.  Haha.  I've been a little sleep deprived, so it's made me happy.  Keep up the good work, girl!  
  • Naps still leave a little to be desired, but we're working on it.  I think we need to get blackout blinds for your room in addition to the curtains we have.  The sun shines SO bright in your room and I think we need an extra layer of light blockage to make it a little darker in there.  
  • Also on the topic of sleep, you like to make lots of noise when you're falling asleep.  You usually only do this in the car, but sometimes you'll do it if I happen to be rocking you to sleep.  The only way to really describe it is kind of like a moaning/growling type noise.  Haha.  Almost every time we get in the car, you start making these noises and I know that you're going to sleep.  
You will notice that the pictures in this post don't match your actual "six months" picture.  I actually took these 10 days before you turned six months old but never did a post with them, so I figured I'd use them.  It was really difficult for me to get any good pictures of you during the "six months session" because you had some major distractions in the form of your brother and aunt.  


Can't imagine why you were distracted, right?  Haha.  He was actually being pretty funny.  This is our life right now, and even though I let myself get super-stressed about the small stuff (which I shouldn't), I would trade it for ANYTHING.  You and your brother are our world, and all of the chaos is truly pretty fun!  

From one month to six quick!  I have some regrets about the way I lined all of the pictures up (in taking them), but maybe by baby number three I'll get it all straightened out.  Haha!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Audrey's First Bowl of Cereal

On November 10th, Audrey had her first taste of "solid" food in the form of rice cereal.  She has really been focusing on us when we're eating our food and is almost at the six-month mark (can't believe it).  I'll share the experience, as I always do, through a whole bunch of pictures.  You may want to skip through if you aren't a grandparent or aunt because they all look pretty similar.  haha!  Remember, this is memory preservation!

She needed a little cheek-poking for good measure beforehand.

I think she knew what was coming. 

First taste of food... (PS love that brother was excited to see her eat!)

...and the verdict is...

...not too bad!

Yeah...I'll try some more of that. 

This is weird, Momma.  

This is pretty much how it really went. 

Sweet brother let me take his picture.

Daddy feeding his girl.

Taking matters into her own hands.  

Love the lips.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

More Parker-isms

I wanted to share some more of Parker's cuteness before I forget....

  • You are currently OBSESSED with the song, "Old Alabama", by Braid Paisley.  You want to listen to it every time we get in the car, the entire car-ride.  We have to cut it off after a while because you would seriously listen to it all day.  It is so funny because you act like you're playing the guitar, violin and drums, and you actually know most of the words and will sing with the song.  We are ready for you to get into a new song!
  • Speaking of Old Alabama, it's your favorite video to watch on "TooYube."
  • You use the words "yesterday", "today", and "last night" all the time but completely incorrectly.  For example, we were at a birthday party for a little boy in your class, and as he was opening his present from you, you yelled, "We bought that at Target today!"  We did buy it at Target, but it was two days before the party.  You will also say that we did something, "last night", when it was really a week ago.  
  • Words that you say incorrectly that are super-cute: fowlers for flowers, sliddy for silly, owligator for elevator.
  • You have been SO GOOD about saying, "Please" and "Thank you."  I am so proud!  We are still working pretty hard on yes ma'am/sir and no ma'am/sir.  
  • You put on one of my headbands a couple of weeks ago and said, "I'm a princess like you!" :)
  • Out of nowhere, you told me I looked cute when I was getting dressed.
  • When you wake up in the morning, you turn off your "heater" (sound machine) and your night light.  When you turn the night light OFF, you tell us to watch our eyes.  
  • You were eating some "go-gurt" (yogurt in a squeeze tube) the other day and asked me what it was.  I told you it was "berry", and your response was, "It's not berry, it's soccer ball time!"  ???
  • Audrey's headband sometimes slips down on her head and into her face.  Often the flower on the band will end up right over her eye, and you noticed and said, "She's a pirate!"

I feel like there's so many more, but I'll just continue to type them into my phone and report again soon! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Audrey is 5 Months Old!

....and has been for over a week!  Sorry, girl.  Momma had a busy week last week and is just now getting around to writing your post.  We were also late on the pictures, too.  We actually took them on the 3rd of November instead of the 29th of October.  Hurricane Sandy was out and about that day, so we couldn't be out and about to get your balloons.

Anyway, my sweet baby girl, you are now five months old and so fun and sweet!  Here is what you've been up to lately:

  • You now wear a size 2 when you wear disposables.  Your Fuzzibunz seem like they're getting a little tight so I think I'll adjust the elastic soon.  You are a "heavy wetter" at night and were leaking out of the cloth diapers every single night, so we have been putting disposables on you at night instead to keep you dry. 
  • You have moved right into size 6 months clothes and they are fitting pretty well.  I actually had to take you to the doctor today because you have been super-fussy the last couple days (you were fine--just a little red in your throat), and you have grown over an inch in the last month!  You are now 27 inches long and weight 15 pounds 5 ounces.  
  • You are STILL waking up a couple times per night.  You usually wake up either because you have made your way to the edge of the crib or because your arm has come out of the swaddle.  I ordered your bumper because it went on a great clearance and had free shipping, so I plan to get that in your crib this week to see if it helps.  The sleep interruptions are fine, but I am looking forward to you sleeping all night long at some point.  I would love to have a good night's sleep sometime soon!
  • Since the time change (so for the last 3 nights), you have been going to bed between 6 and 6:30.  You have just seemed so tired by that time and I figure you're probably going to wake up anyway, so why wait?  It could be your "sore throat", but I think it's because of the change in time.  
  • I think you don't like being alone.  You will get so upset sometimes if I leave you in the room alone, and when I come back and start talking to you, you are fine.  You just like to socialize, I guess! 
  • You have really started to make some cute noises.  Parker loves to watch you and "talk" with you.  He laughs and thinks it's so funny and tries to repeat what you say.  You smile all the time--we love it! 
  • I think you may be in the beginning stages of teething.  These last couple fussy days, you have been drooling WAY more than usual and putting everything in your mouth--your hands, Sophie, any toys you can get your hands on.  You have also been kind of weird about taking your paci.  There are no signs of actual teeth coming through, so  I could be wrong, but all other signs point to teeth.  
  • We are going to start you on rice cereal this week!  You are showing great interest in our food and drinks by watching us intently and reaching for them when you're sitting in our lap.  There is a "controversy" over rice cereal right now, so we may switch to oatmeal after a while.  I think you are going to LOVE it and can't wait to see how you react to your first taste of "food."
  • Your hair is sloooowly starting to grow.  You still have your sweet "peak" at the top, but your peach fuzz is coming in super-blonde.  This is how my hair was when I was a baby, and I think you are going to look so sweet when you actually have some hair to clip into a bow.  For now, I am very happy with your headbands, though!

I think it's hard to end any of your posts without saying that you are seriously growing sweeter and sweeter each day.  No joke.  You and your brother are our world!  

Speaking of you and your is a side-by-side.  In my eyes, you two look pretty much nothing alike!  

For fun, here is a link to Parker's five-month post!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Of course, we had a great time for Halloween this year!  It was Parker's third and Audrey's first.  

This was her sweet Halloween daytime outfit.  It said, "I'm cute and itsy-bitsy!"  She definitely is.

Honey and my little Mickey.  This was his first official "trick-or-treat" of the year!

"It's the Mickey Mouse club-house....."

He kept looking down at his nose--it was so cute!

Best picture of the two of them--haha.  She was semi-catapulted forward and caught by Ryan right after this one.  

SO mad that this isn't in focus!  Parker and Audrey with their wonderful grandparents.

It was a rough picture taking session.  

As I mentioned recently, getting a decent family picture is almost impossible right now.  There's almost always one person that isn't looking at the camera...or who looks possessed...

...or who looks like they're holding their crotch **coughcoughRYANcoughcough**.  At least we tried!  

After all of the picture-taking festivities were over at Ryan's parents' house, we went to dinner at Tijuana Flats with my parents.  Since Parker was dressed up, his meal was free....which we love!  When we left the restaurant, we headed to Omi and Opa's house to surprise them with a trick-or-treat.  

Opa was surprised!  Unfortunately, Omi was asleep and didn't get to see them.  Good thing we took five billion pictures!

After we had a good feeding and diaper change for Audrey, we headed back to our neighborhood to actually go house-to-house.

Parker LOVED trick-or-treating.  He said, "Trick-or-Treat!"  at each house and said "Thank you!" to each person after they gave him the candy.  

After every house he said, "I want to do more trick-or-treating!"  We probably went to about 15 houses and then headed home. 

Checking out his stash.


....and out of all that he chose a lollipop!?!?  I thought about disowning him for not tearing right into a Reese cup but decided I'd keep him because he was probably saving them for me.  

Love this these that they already love each other so much. 

Minnie Mouse right before she went to bed!  I love that I was able to dress them in "matching" costumes this year because I doubt I'll be able to make it happen again any time soon.

We had such a fun time and now I am soooo excited for all the fun holidays to come!