Sunday, January 22, 2012

January, so far, in a nutshell

January has been a pretty busy month so far.  With work, a short weekend trip, a scary job situation with Ryan...things have been kind of crazy!  Ryan's job situation was that he wasn't working for a few weeks and wasn't sure if he was going to have a job at all.  His position was eliminated, but the company offered him a different position a couple of weeks ago, so all is well.  While he wasn't working, I started working full time.  I was supposed to work four days per week anyway because our busy season is starting, but I added the fifth day to help make up for some of the money we were missing out on because of Ryan's temporary break.  I may cut back just a little bit within the next couple weeks, but for now things are just crazy busy.

I hate  that I haven't been blogging much. I want to keep this as up to date as possible to help remember this time in our lives later on.  It bothers me that I don't write more often, but at night I just feel so tired and then it bothers me that I don't have "good" pictures to put up.  In general, posts without pictures are just kind of boring, so I figure, "why write?"  I am always taking pictures and video with my phone, though, and I don't know why I don't do short posts here and there with these just to keep things up!

Hence, this post.  Me playing catch-up with a few cute pictures that I want to remember.  Let's begin, shall we?

Ryan sent me this picture of Parker swinging toward the beginning of the month.  He looks so happy and is looking right at the camera--VERY rare!  I love it.

Stacking up his play-doh cups.  He likes doing this and knocking them over just as much as he likes playing with the actual play-doh!  

Parker and Wyatt holding hands at the car show.  They were each holding their Mommas' hands, too.  They did such a good job with the hand-holding.  I had  to get Ryan to take a picture.  So glad that I did! 

I took this picture in the hotel on a short weekend trip we took to Charlotte, NC with my parents and sister. He was reading his Sesame Street book in the bed with me before we went to sleep.  Because of our last hotel experience, we just let him sleep in the bed with us.  It's not worth the stress that it causes all of us to try to get him to sleep in the pack-n-play.  He screams like you're cutting a limb off and it's just not necessary.  We don't let him sleep in the bed with us at home (unless it's majorly extenuating circumstances), so it's not a big deal to do it when we travel. 

PLUS I got to look at these right before I went to bed.  What is it about feet and toes on a child that are so sweet??  I can't figure it out, but I know I love them.

A healthy meal!  I love seeing good food on his little plate.  We really try to give him a fruit or vegetable (broccoli) with every meal.  He eats the same "main" things--chicken nuggets, pbj, grilled cheese--for almost every meal, but we try to change up the fruits plus broccoli.  I look forward to the day where we can expand his culinary horizons a little bit, but for now, I feel that he's doing pretty good, so I'm happy! 

Finally, a picture from tonight.  This is how Parker's hair turned out after his bath.  I dried it off and didn't notice that it looked like this until we were brushing his teeth.  Maybe this is the next big thing in hair?  We'll see.

Up next, an update about my other baby--the one coming in June!  I have a few "good" pictures I need to take to make that post happen.  I'm aiming for tomorrow but we shall see.......

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