Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Alright, alright.  I know it isn't Christmas yet, but I really like that song and it HAS been pretty cold outside--especially at night.  We have gradually increased the amount of clothing Parker is wearing to bed because it's gotten progressively colder and he keeps waking up with freezing hands and feet.  Tonight, we broke out the big guns:

Please ignore the fact that this is a less-than-stellar iPhone picture!

Be prepared...if you stare at the picture too long, your heart might melt!  I can hardly handle the cuteness that goes along with wearing cool-weather clothes.  I am prepared with various cold weather clothing items, such as some super-cute jeans, footed jammies, and thermal shirts, just to name a few.  In fact, I have a message for my friend Fall and acquaintance Winter:::bring. it. on.

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