Anyway, Wednesday Amy and Wy came over for another early-morning playdate at our house. I had recently pinned a recipe on Pinterest for homemade sidewalk paint using corn starch, water and food coloring. It worked pretty well--I'm sure it was not as well as Crayola paint maybe would have been, but when Wyatt put the paintbrush in his mouth, I felt a little better about it.
Playing together! What a concept!!

Wyatt proclaiming something like, "I love to paint!" Or, "Painting is good, painting is fun, painting is cool for everyone!" Or...what he was really thinking, "Why are they making me do this? Painting is lame!" Haha.
Can you see the toes? I mean, seriously. Come on.
Wyatt wasn't too majorly crazy about the painting.
He was pretty excited about the cars in the driveway!
Parker was very into the paint. He wasn't actually painting for the most part, though. He just dipped the brush in the cup and then would let it drip onto the pavement.
Wyatt decided that it would be a great time to practice his sumo-wrestling moves.
This was inevitable but super-cute.
Wyatt also decided that even touching the "pretty" flowers would be more fun than the paint! Basically every single activity available to him in or near our front yard was more exciting than the paint. But I'm glad he had fun nonetheless!
Wyatt decided that he had hit his limit with the paint and apparently with the rest of us.
I pretty much just cannot get enough pictures of this child in his diaper squatting down on the ground. Or this child in his diaper doing anything. Or this child in full clothes doing nothing. My heart just fills with love and wants to burst. Sappy, but true.
I'm ready for sidewalk paint again. I think Parker really enjoyed it and it was something a little different. This could easily become a new weekly activity for the rest of the summer! We have to take advantage of it while we can......
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