On Friday, Parker and I braved the heat to go watch Haley at her school's Field Day. It brought back a few memories for me of my own field days when I was in elementary school. It's just a fun day for the kids to get out and play cute games together as a class. I have to say, though....it was HOT. Like..not just a little toasty but H.O.T. No breeze, no clouds. Despite the heat, I enjoyed watching the kids and I was able to take some cute pics.
Here's my girl. Ready for action!
Ahhhh, tug of war. Do you see the intensity happening in this picture? These kids do not play around.
Notice Parker in the stroller to the left. I had to keep him facing the opposite direction because of the sun. He was sleeping, so this was not a problem at all!
Sweet picture of teamwork at its finest.
Oh hey--there's my little buddy snacking on a waffle!
Two pulling one. Haley seemed to enjoy this one a lot!
Ah yes, the bouncy ball with a handle. A classic!
So pretty! And super-hot--see the red cheeks? Also notice that I cut off her chin in the picture. I could not see ANYTHING because it was so bright! I was snapping away blindly.
I was just so glad that he napped.
This was the result of Haley's first pillow-fight duel.
An action shot from the second duel...
...and the result! She was happy.
This was a misting tent that was set up for the kids to cool off. There was also water being sprayed from hoses onto the kids, who ended up soaking wet after this station. I didn't feel like I could jump in on the misting/soaking relief fun, so I had to leave about two minutes afterwards due to my impending heat stroke.
Overall, it was a fun morning and I am looking forward to doing the same thing with Parker when he gets to that age!
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