- You are still wearing a size Five diaper. It better stay this way for a while because I just ordered about five boxes of diapers for you in a size 5!
- You are wearing different sizes in all different brands of clothes. We are currently trying to figure out what to do about your shorts. Size 12-18 months are HUGE. Surely you don't need 9-12 months?? It just seems too small, but I guess you're a skinny boy like your Poppa (Daddy's alias).
- Your primary mode of transportation is now definitely walking. You almost never crawl anymore. Basically, you RUN all the time. You and Reese chase each other around the kitchen and you love to walk around the kitchen table and grab onto all the chairs. You are ALL over the place--thank goodness for baby gates!
- You have still been waking up in the middle of the night a lot. Actually, since you turned 13 months old, it's gotten a little bit better. For the past three nights in a row, you've slept all night! I hope this means we've turned a corner because it really is rough when you wake up and we all miss out on sleep.
- March 13th was the last day I nursed you. It was bittersweet. I was so, so sad to stop, but I knew it was the right time. You were getting frustrated every time you nursed because you weren't getting as much as you wanted, and I was getting frustrated because you were really starting to hurt me when you nursed. After that day, we started giving you your regular milk in a sippy cup each morning. It's certainly much less convenient that whipping out the boob, but I can't nurse you forever, so I knew it was a good time to stop. I am so glad we were able to make it to the one-year mark. That was my ultimate goal...and we did it!
- I think your hands-down favorite food right now is bread and butter. You see it on our plates and flip out. You start pointing and moaning and kicking your legs like crazy. You also love waffles, pancakes, fresh fruit, and grilled cheese. Basically TONS of carbs but we are trying new things all the time. Lately you just aren't into many meats or vegetables. You still love broccoli, though!
- New words you will say or recognize are, "ball," "bird," "socks," and sometimes, "dog."
- Things have been going SO much better in the nursery at church. You will cry right when I drop you off, but they take you right over to the snack table to give you a graham cracker. Once you have your snack, you are happy and fine for the rest of the hour! Each week, they tell me you're doing better and better. It's so much easier to drop you off when I know you will play and be happy.
- Your new thing is putting your hand on your hip when you're shaking your booty and then almost immediately doing the "roll 'em over, roll 'em over....throw 'em in the pan!" It is SO funny and sometimes you will do it without any music or prompting at all.
- You really love to play outside. You walk all around the yard and point at things. It's funny because our yard is so uneven in so many places, so you fall down a lot. You just stand yourself right on up and keep going! Grammie bought you a rainbow-colored-yard-flower-spinny-thing that you LOVE. You pick it up and carry it all over the yard.
We are excited to see what the rest of your second year of life holds. We cannot wait to get back into all of the fun and exciting things that come along with warm weather. It's all going to be so much more fun and exciting with you around! :)

I love you more than you'll ever know........
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