Once we made it downstairs, Ryan and I decided that we would exchange our gifts first because we figured if we ran out of time, Parker could open his presents while my family was there......which is what happened because we did run out of time--haha! While we opened our presents to eachother, he played with his new Fisher Price house and mailbox that Santa left but did not wrap.
Let's talk about this Fisher Price house really quick. First of all, it's amazing. There are SO MANY things for him to do--ring the doorbell, check the mail, put balls down the rain gutter, open and close the window, change the address, change the "mode" from morning to night, turn the light on and off, sort blocks, change the time, play different stations on the radio and open and close the door. He does ALL of these. Almost every single "thing" has words associated with it like up/down, on/off, and open/closed. This toy keeps him occupied for a LONG time. It's so great. He really loves it, and the music doesn't get on my nerves--a win/win! Goooooooooooo Santa!!
Oven mitts--love them! Almost every gift I received this year was cooking-related, which is great because I LOVE to cook.
Ryan with his new Blu-Ray player. Looks like the smile he had when Parker was born! Hmmmm.....
Since we did run out of time, we started making breakfast after we were done with our presents. Parker didn't care about anything other than the house and mailbox, so waiting to open his presents was no big deal. We made a biiiiig breakfast, and Mom, Dad, Omi, Opa and Renee joined us to eat.
Omi was talking to Parker, but all he could think about were the biscuits sitting in front of him--haha!
Getting ready...
Louise, Renee, Omi and I collaborated to get Roger, Ryan, Bryan, Opa and Dad certificates to go to Langley and drive racecars. They all loved it. This picture was taken when they were all three opening their gifts at the same time. You can see that Ryan read it first...
.....then Bryan.....
...then Rogie!
Ryan, Me, Parker, and his Puffs :)
Parker with his new Monkey-in-the-box and wagon. Okay, really, this is the wagon I asked for, and Ryan's mom bought, but I screwed everything up when I bought a different one that went on a really good sale for only a couple of days. So....this is not his wagon. We are taking this one back and keeping the other one. Complicated-ish story, but the moral is that Parker will have a Radio Flyer wagon--it will just be the Ultimate Comfort version, not the Pathfinder! Either way, THANK YOU HONEY for buying it...just pretend you bought the other one :)
For whatever reason, we did not take any pictures after this on Christmas day! We spent most of the rest of the day with Ryan's family just relaxing and eating (of course). When we went home that night, we just crashed and watched TV. We were so tired from lack of sleep and being on the go. Right before we went to bed, it started snowing, meaning that we actually had a "white Christmas." It was VERY exciting because this has never happened for either of us. They were calling for anywhere from five to ten inches..and it ended up being even MORE! That's enough for another post, though.
So that's the total recap of Christmas 2010 for this version of the Jefferson family. I wanted to record as much as possible to remember Parker's first Christmas. We are SO excited for all the rest....
Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled monthly update and a post about SNOW!
After we ate breakfast, we opened Parker's gifts for him and exchanged gifts with my family. Parker did not really care at all about what was going on. He played with each toy as soon as we opened it and then moved on. He had no interest in the wrapping paper at all...I guess that will be in the years to come!
We went to Ryan's parents house at about 1030 to spend time with his family. We did the biiiiig Jefferson gift exchange, which again, Parker did not even care about. All he wanted to do was eat puffs.
We went to Ryan's parents house at about 1030 to spend time with his family. We did the biiiiig Jefferson gift exchange, which again, Parker did not even care about. All he wanted to do was eat puffs.
So that's the total recap of Christmas 2010 for this version of the Jefferson family. I wanted to record as much as possible to remember Parker's first Christmas. We are SO excited for all the rest....
Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled monthly update and a post about SNOW!
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