The exclamation point is one of excitement, as in, "My sweet baby is advancing in mobility at an appropriate speed," but also one of, "OMG--he's crawling. My baby is getting super big and a trip to Wal-Mart is in order to buy hundreds of dollars worth of baby safety stuff." Wow--time has flown!
It started off with a mini-crawl that consisted of moving one knee forward and then lunging with "the head" toward whatever object or person he was trying to get to. He's been doing that for a couple of weeks now. Over the weekend, he went into full-force crawling. Like...hand and knee on the right then hand and knee on the left. He's not going lightning speed yet and still a little wobbly, but he's going quick enough. Ryan was out of town from Sunday until today and could not believe the difference in just a couple of days. I'm sure by the weekend, he'll be able to participate in baby crawling marathons, if they exist, and win.
Let the baby-proofing begin!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! I need to see this in person please! Yay Parker!
You must be FREAKING out! haha
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