- You are in a size Three diaper, and we've also been putting you in some size Four's lately.
- You are still wearing size Six Months for most of your clothes, but you are now starting to wear Nine Months sizes, too. We shopped at Gymboree and Baby Gap for you today and bought the Six to Twelve Months sizes!
- Your favorite toy, by far, is Sophie the Giraffe! You are IN LOVE with her. You love to chew on her feet and ears. You don't even have teeth coming in yet--I can't wait to see how much you love her then.
- You wore shoes for the first time today, and they were adorable! It makes me want to buy more....
- We gave you rice cereal for the first time yesterday, and you loved it! I read beforehand about how it takes a few tries with some babies. Not you! We mixed it with breast milk and you went to town. I'm excited to have you try all kinds of new foods.
- You have been sitting in your high chair when we eat meals, even though you don't eat with us yet. You seem to really enjoy being at the same level as us and being able to watch us while we eat.
- Just a few days after the last post, we started letting you "cry it out" at bedtime each night. This is called the Ferber method, and it seems to have worked pretty well. Our bedtime routine now consists of me feeding you in the rocker and then laying you down in your crib while you're either still awake or sleeping, giving you your "lovey" and a kiss, and then leaving the room. Most nights, you do not cry! Every now and then you'll fuss a little bit, but that is okay.
- Over the last few days, you've been into blowing bubbles. You will sit in the Babysitter and purse your lips together with this very intense look on your face and blow bubbles! It is SO cute. You also stick your tongue out a little bit as part of the process. You're just trying to talk to us!
- ...speaking of the Babysitter...this is definitely one of the best baby purchases we made. It's a bouncy seat that has no music, lights, vibration or anything else like that. Just the seat, which can be at three different levels. You bounce yourself by kicking your legs. You love sitting in it, and it seems that that's where you're most comfortable.
- You sat through the whole church service last week and all but about 10 minutes this week. I could hardly believe it. I just let you suck on my (sanitized) hands, and you were happy!
PS--I AM going to start blogging more for real! :)
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