Doctor, Doctor....Give Me the News!
Today we had two doctor's appointments for Parker. The first was this morning at CHKD with the Neurosurgeon, Dr. Dilustro. Since I didn't blog about it, I guess I'll just mention that the appointment was to check up on Parker's skull fracture from a fall we took on the stairs on April 2nd. I slipped on our stairs about halfway down and fell, dropping Parker in the process. As a result, he had a skull fracture and a very small bruise on his brain. We spent that whole weekend at CHKD so they could observe him and make sure he was okay. Everything looked good, so we went home that Sunday. We've been following up with the surgeon so that he can keep a good eye on him. We have another appointment on July 1st to follow up again. If Parker's head still feels good to the doctor, he will probably have an X-ray to check the healing, and then we will be done with all of that. I will be so glad!
Parker's other appointment was this afternoon with our Pediatrician, Dr. Toland. This was his two-month appointment! He is 13 pounds, 2 ounces, 25 inches long, and his head circumference is 42 centimeters. He received several vaccinations today which were given in three injections. Parker cried right after they gave him the shots, but fell asleep on the way home and was actually very good this afternoon. I expected him to be really fussy from the shots, but he was not fussy at all! He slept and was very good overall.
Other than the doctor's appointments, the it was mostly a normal day. Parker ate, slept very little, and played on his playmat! Today is my mom's birthday, and we went to dinner at Plaza Azteca to celebrate. She is an amazing woman and I am so glad to have her as my one and only mother! I love you, Mom! :)
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