Today was a pretty average, normal day! Parker has been waking up at 4am every day for the last three days. We are not used to this! Prior to this he was sleeping until around 6-
ish, so this is just a little different. These past three days, he has had one arm out of his swaddle, which I has me wondering if this could be the reason he's been waking up a little early. I'm just not sure! We are still glad that he is sleeping
almost all the way through the night, though. When I go to get him out of his crib each morning, he has scooted himself all the way down to the end. It's so cute.

Tummy Time....he's still not too crazy about this.
Ashley, Parker and I ran a few errands together today, one of which included picking up my new breast pump. How exciting! :) I really am glad, though, because I plan on continuing the breastfeeding journey for a while, and the pump will be necessary when I go back to work. It will also help out with the "babysitting" breast milk supply, which has dwindled a little. I am looking forward to pumping again!

Ryan rescuing Parker from tummy time (this was later in the day..)
My mom got off work early because the power was out (lucky her) and stopped by to see Parker. I had just fed him, and he had fallen asleep, so she volunteered to watch him while I went grocery shopping. I went to
TJ Maxx and the grocery store, and when I came back, he was
still sleeping! I'm sure my mom was
soooo upset that she got to hold him the whole time :)

This evening, we took a nice walk around the neighborhood with both our boys. It was so nice to get out and get some fresh air! We took a walk a few nights ago and used the Baby Bjorn front carrier, and that was very nice as well. Reese did pretty good. He only barked at one of the many dogs we walked past. Parker did
excellent! He really seemed to enjoy it. He didn't cry at all until we came home and then decided to walk some more. The "second" walk ended very quickly. He was over it!

I am hanging with my sister all day tomorrow, so it should be a good day! I am looking forward to it, and I'm pretty sure the P-man is, too :)