We did a lot inside yesterday. Ry hung curtains in the baby's room and put on more door handles. He also hung all of the smoke alarms in the house and put in the doorstops! I went through the baby stuff we already have and separated the clothes into darks and lights. I am waiting until after the baby shower to wash them, though, so I can do more at once. I also cleaned up our office a little more, washed four loads of clothes, etc, and dusted our bedroom. We were very productive!
This morning, we got up and went to 7-11 to get coffee, and of course, the roads were completely icy. They canceled church, so we went by the Jeffersons' house. Ryan got a MUCH needed haircut and shoveled their sidewalk and part of the driveway. When we came home, I made Broccoli Potato soup. Let me just say, YUM. I just had to take pictures, of course....
Tomorrow will not be so exciting because I will have to work and be out in the mess. Technically, I could stay home and work for Onlineformals, but I do NOT want to have all of my USIS hours at the end of the week. I have two appointments set up for tomorrow morning already, and I don't really want to cancel them. We'll see how that goes...
This week we had a great appointment at the OBGYN. They did an ultrasound to check the size of the baby and gave us pictures. I meant to scan them tonight at Omi and Opa's but forgot. He is currently about 7 pounds, 1 ounce. BIG boy! His little cheeks are SO fat..it's adorable. I cannot wait to meet this child! The doctor said that if I have not already gone into labor by 39 weeks, they will probably induce me at that time. She checked my cervix, and I was 1 cm dilated and about 25 percent effaced, which she said is very good for being 36 weeks. I was happy to hear that!
Two random things....and then I have to go to bed. I'm soo tired! First...these are the most amazing mixed nuts ever:
Have a great week! :)
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