Parker, I know I say this every month but I cannot believe you are TEN months old! That means that in two months, you'll be one. Oh heaven help me. Here is the latest with you:
- You are now wearing about half 12-18 months clothes and half 18-24 months clothes. I have started trying to buy things for next year and am very confused about what size you will be. You seem like you're growing so big so fast!
- You are getting so good at balancing on your own. You will pull yourself up to stand on whatever is closest to you and then just let go. You stand pretty well until you try to turn your head--then you usually tumble over. We think it's that 100th percentile head of yours bringing you down. Again, walking can't be too far off.
- You are starting to play "peek-a-boo" with us. You will put one hand over half your face, and we'll ask, "Where's Parker?" and you take it away and give us a big grin. You'll use anything that's in your hands to cover your face up, too.
- You "dance" to music by bouncing up and down when you're on your knees or swaying your hips around like Elvis.
- You blow kisses with some major prompting. You don't do it with an open hand, though--you use your fist.
- You can sit for a much longer period of time by yourself and play now. That's not to say that we like to leave you to play alone all the time, but if we need to get things done around the house, we can leave you in your packnplay with your maracas and drums or let you play with the house Santa brought you and you seem to be content!
- We have been working on having you eat more solid foods. It's been tough with your father, who is scared to death of you choking. I have been persistent, though, and have continued to chop our meals up for you to try. You seem to like most things, but you also like to throw your food on the floor. You'll throw some on the floor, then pick the next bite up and eat it. Reese LOVES you for this! You've had so much--here are some things you like so far:::mashed and baked potatoes, fried rice, eggs, biscuits, grits, steak, pork...and lots more! The only thing I can think of right now that you aren't too crazy about is bananas. I think it's the sliminess of them. You like jarred bananas but when I slice one up for you to eat, you just won't do it. I'm sure they will grow on you, though.
- You've been doing a lot of blabbering lately. Most of what comes out of your mouth sounds like, "dada," "mama," "da," or "babababa." You will also stick your tongue out and move it from side to side while making noises. We talk back to you and ask you things like, "So then what did she say?"
- We have a small soccer ball (thanks Grams) that you play with really well. We roll the ball to you, and you pick it up and bounce it back to us! Watching you do this makes me realize that you are turning into more of a toddler and less of a baby. It's exciting but also just a little sad. Just promise you'll always let me squeeze you tight and rock you to sleep, okay? Oh--where was I? Right--ball-rolling. It's amazing to me, and you seem to have a pretty good arm on you. You also like to throw your blocks and really anything else you can get your hands on. Quarterback, anyone?
- You still take two good naps each day with car-naps in between. You usually take about an hour and a half nap in the morning and then an hour to hour and a half nap in the afternoon. You've been much better about falling asleep without doing too much crying. You usually fuss for maybe a minute--and then you're off to dreamland. It's great!
- You are kind of into the whole thumb-sucking thing right now. You definitely don't do it all the time, but I'm noticing you doing it more in the last couple of weeks. I was hoping this would not happen because apparently it's kind of a hard habit to break, but maybe it will just be a short "phase" for you. It's kind of cute, though, so we'll go with it for now.
With this being the last hour of 2010, I just want you to know that it's been the best year of my life because of YOU. I'm sitting here on New Year's Eve watching a Modern Family DVD with your dad by the fireplace. You are upstairs sleeping in your crib like an angel. When I was pregnant on New Year's Eve last year, I told your dad, "Next year for New Year's, we will get a babysitter and go do something fun!" Well, I changed my mind. There is nowhere I'd rather be tonight than right here celebrating with you and your dad. You have changed my life in so many ways--spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and socially (is this a word?) just to name a few.