Saturday morning, Ryan ran in the "Fun Run" at Haley's school with her. It was really warm outside in the morning, so they were pretty sweaty, but I think they had a good time. Afterwards, we just did a lot of housecleaning inside and out in preparation for the Realtor to come on Sunday. I cooked Chicken and Dumplings for dinner, which were not that great. :( We watched DVR'ed shows for the rest of the night. Since Ryan had been out of town for a couple of days last week, we had a lot to catch up on!
Today we had church in the morning, of course, with lunch afterwards. We both came home to make the "final touches" on our cleaning. The Realtor came over at 3 to discuss selling our home. She showed us how our home compared with others that are on the market or recently sold. The price she gave us for listing our home was much lower than what we expected, so now we can't decide what to do. We have had many discussions lately and were set on moving, but we're not so sure now! We really have no idea what to do. Please pray for us!!
So as of this past Thursday, I am 20 weeks along--half way!! I have felt the baby moving this week, which is a wonderful feeling. I can see my stomach moving every now and then, but Ry has yet to see or feel it! Here is the 20-week info....

He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).
Okay, going to watch football now and relax before going back to work tomorrow! Nighty night :)
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