I attempted three (yes, three) new recipes tonight for dinner. They all came from the Food Network magazine. The first was a quick, pretty easy broccoli dish that involved blanching broccoli, tossing it with olive oil, bread crumbs, parmesan, salt and pepper, and baking it in the oven. It was okay.....just okay. The second was a recipe for three-cheese macaroni which is "lighter" than regular macaroni and cheese. It was not too difficult to make, although it dirtied SO many dishes. This was a big thumbs down. It was very creamy but didn't have a lot of flavor. The third was sooo good! I made a version of the Red Lobster garlic cheddar biscuits. They were very tasty and would have been 100 times better if I had cooked them for about five minutes less. With our oven, I always have to cook things longer than the recipe states, but I kept these in just barely too long. They had really good flavor, though, and I can't wait to make the again!

The dough...
The final outcome! Yes, they were a little crispy on the outside but, like I said, good flavor and fluffy on the inside.
The dough...
Thankfully, my sweet and wonderful husband helped me out by drying the dishes. I mean, I did use almost every dish in the house to make the dinner. I don't know that I could have handled the situation by myself. My lower lower back was killlllllllllling me. We took a walk after we finished for some post dinner exercise. After taking a shower and now sitting on the couch with my feet up, I feel much better!
Okay, off to watch 90210, Melrose Place, and maybe a little Oprah. We are so well-rounded! 19 weeks tomorrow....... :)
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