For dessert tonight, I had some Edy's Slow Churned HOT COCOA Ice Cream. Yes--hot cocoa. Basically it's a lightly chocolate flavored ice cream with marshmallows in it. YUMMMM!!! It was so so good. I have my first doctor's appointment with my OB tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I also feel kind of nervous. You just never know what will happen or what they will say. I do not think they will do an ultrasound tomorrow, so I am not getting my hopes up. If they do, I will be pleasantly surprised! Since I will be 14 weeks tomorrow, I am going to post the 13 weeks info for the baby. I meant to do it yesterday but never turned my laptop on. Here you go!

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
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