We went to the NHC today and were able to see the baby again! It was amazing to see it in there looking more like a baby than a blob this time. It was moving/twitching around in there, and the ultrasound technician said that this is because it's nerves are developing and that the movement is actually involuntary. I didn't care whether it was voluntary or involuntary--I was just happy to see it in there moving with a beating heart! She moved the ultrasound probe around to give us different views of the baby. One was a view that I guess could be considered looking at it's little behind from underneath, so all we could see were it's butt and legs. It was so cute because it actually looked like a chicken. When we are finally able to have the pictures, I will post that one because it was so funny.
I have to go in tomorrow for some bloodwork that requires me to fast overnight. I can't have any food basically from now until after the appointment, which is at 8:20 tomorrow morning. It will be fine, but I know I will be hungry when I get up tomorrow. I haven't actually thrown up from "morning sickness" yet, but I do feel pretty nauseous when I first wake up in the morning for about 10 minutes. Eating some cereal usually makes it feel better, so we will see how that goes. This bloodwork is for them to check my sugar because today I had glucose in my urine. The doctor said that usually there is no glucose, and mine was at a +3. They are checking it tomorrow to see if it's something they need to give me medication for or just related to something I ate. We will see......
Other than that, everything was very good. I am only having one injection per week now for the next four weeks, and then I should be done with all progesterone medication. At that point, the baby does not need it anymore, or at least as much of it anymore. I have been feeling pretty good other than the morning nausea and some random periods throughout the day when I will feel nauseous. I also get sooooooooooooooooooo so so so tired usually right around 1, 2, 3pm. Some days it almost gets to the point where I feel like I cannot go on another minute unless I lay down for a few. Luckily, my work schedule is extremely flexible right now, so I can take a short nap if I feel the need without it impacting my work week.
We are going to dinner tomorrow for our anniversary dinner because tonight we had a wonderful dinner at Ryan's parents' house. It was sooo nice to be there with the fam and the flies :) Ryan has been out of town for the last four weeks on Wednesdays, and I ended up making plans on each Wednesday that he was gone, so we missed the Wednesday-night-dinner event for a whole month! It was a wonderful "homecoming," and I am already looking forward to next week.
I am going to drink some water and continue reading my current book, Eclipse. I have turned into one of those vampire-obsessed-teeny-bopper-want-to-name-my-firstborn-boy-Edward crazy people that is "in" on the Twilight craze. I can't wait for the New Moon movie to come out in November. I will sleep all day to be at the midnight showing!!!! For those of you (I think about three people haha :) that are into this, you HAVE to go to this website and get really, really excited. Yay!

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Checking my comments....I think they now work! :)
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