I thought it turned out so cute! The tall black thing in the back is a wine carrier that says "It's Wine O'Clock" in hot pink letters. There were also four wine glasses from her registry, two of my favorite stoppers, an opener, some really cute stem markers, and Godiva chocolates to round it out! Oh, and two bottles of wine, of course :). Danielle and Ashley went in with me on this gift, but I bought it and put it all together. I LOVE doing gifts like this (kind of the same way i LOVE putting together my flower pots). Watching people open their presents at showers is one of my favorite parts, anyway.
On Saturday night, I went to Ashley and Shawn's house for dinner. It was soooooo yummy--she makes the BEST mashed potatoes. We also had some wine and played Scattergories, which was fun. I love playing games, and those of you that have ever been to a small social gathering with Ryan know that he does NOT like to play games. It was nice to play one of my favorites! Again, I was up until about 2am. This time I stayed at the Neronski Inn, of course. Both nights I only got about five hours of sleep. Since Reese slept with me, he woke up pretty early and would start licking my face. I actually woke up both days pretty early on my own but was forced to get up because of the face-licking.
Ryan came home on Sunday and we had a nice lunch that I prepared and then hung around the house until we went to Omi's and sat by the pool before eating dinner at her house. We brought Reese with us. He looooooooves to run around like a crazy dog in their yard and chase the frisbee. Here is what Reese did to the frisbee my Mom bought for him. This took about half an hour to destroy:

The dog is soooooooooooo crazy! I am going to get him this one probably tomorrow--

We've had two other toys made of the same material that have been soooooo durable, and he loves them. This should last at least two hours..haha.
Last night, I went to a semi-reunion with my Young Life leaders from high school, Matt and Marisa, and two old friends, Amanda and Jake. We met at Rita's for ice cream, and I had SUCH a good time. Marisa is having a baby in August, and Jake and Amanda are getting married in October! It was great to catch up with them--I can't believe it's been seven years since I saw them on a regular basis. I arrived at 745 and didn't leave until about 1045. I couldn't believe it had been three hours. Needless to say, we are going to try to keep in better touch after such a long break in contact.
Okay, that's it. I have learned my lesson. If I had written daily posts or even posts every other day, this could have been prevented. I will do better from now on! Ry is leaving me tomorrow for the night. I still might decide to go with him. We'll see....................
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