So on a completely unrelated note, we have so much new growth in our yard in terms of flowers blooming and plants greening up and growing. For example:
The almost-done pansies.
Beautiful rose bush that's finally established....
The literal first bloom out of all of our hydrangea bushes!
Look at all of the rosebuds hanging off of this that haven't even bloomed yet!
Last picture of flowers for now...I promise. Gorgeous!
I love our flowers and yard. That will be one of my favorite parts of our new house when we move (wink wink)--planning it all out and planting everything. Just to be clear, we have not even looked at any houses in-person recently, our house is not on the market, and when I bring up moving, Ry acts like he has a hearing problem. I remind Ryan all the time that I will have to hurt him if we miss the opportunity in terms of pricing on our next house as well as the low mortgage rates. I do love our house, but with the baby hopes we have going on, things would just be better in something a bit bigger. We'll see when something actually happens in that area. Ry will probably want to wait until I birth triplets and then decide that it might be a good time to expand our square footage. That would be so him.
Sooooooooooooo tired. Goodnight!
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